The Gentle Zombie

I was in my room making my Halloween costume when my light flickered. I heard rhe slight rumbles of thunder and the soft pitter patter of rain starting to fall on my roof. There was a loud clap of thunder and then the light winked completely out.

I dropped my felt and sewing needle and put my hands out searching for my phone. Once i found it I quickly turned on the flashlight to illuminate my darkened room. I placed on my nightstand, flashlight up.

I walked over to my window. I lifted the blinds and opened the window to listen to the storm coming.

I was looking out the window when i saw a person walking with a long black coat on and holding a black umbrella. The person was wearing very thin green gloves.

Then I realized they weren’t gloves. They were hands. Old wrinkly ones.

The the being turned to look at me. It was small male zombie with a bald head and pale green eyes that looked as though they were blind. Like his hand, his head was also green. You couldnt see his neck bcause it was covered by a long black fuzzy scarf.

I jumped where I was standing. He looked terrifying at forst glance but after a few seconds of him looking at me I soon realized he was different. He had a kind and soft expression on his face. Thier was a small blue butterfly on his right hand.

He smiled at me, waving his free hand. I smiled and waved back.

It was Halloween night. I was leaving another house, my pillow case now a little more full with candy. My friends and I were about to walk up the steps on the next house over when I spotted him again.

He was still wearing the same outfit, and even though it wasn’t raining he still had his black umbrella over his sholder.

My friends had knocked on the door and we in the middle of saying Trick or Treat. But i was smiling at the okd fella like it was a long lost friend.

The blue butterfly was now flying around his shoulder and the gentle zombie didnt seem to mind.

He raised his green old wrinkly hand again and gave my another wave, a smile creeping up onto his face.

I smiled and waved back.

My friends were walking down the steps when they saw me.

“What in the world are you doing? Who ar eouu waving to?” They said piering over my should, squinting into the night.

“Doesn’t matter.” I said putting my hand down, “just an old friend”

“Now come on! We still have plenty of more houses to rade. I mean go to” i said as my friends laughed, running down the street.

I turn around one more time to see the gentle zombie wave to me before winking and vanishing into the night.

I smile to myself.

“See you next time, brother.”

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