🤨well That’s A Little CrEePy🤨
opens phone to see a message
“Don’t go home tonight. Don’t go home tonight? Well that’s a little CrEePy”
“Don’t respond”
“Imma respond”
“I just said don’t”
“Well Jeremiah you are an idiot who only passed English because your dad paid the school”
“You have a point”
“Should I say something cryptic?”
“I dunno”
“Or should I get straight to the point?”
“Don’t ask me, I’m the idiot”
“Alright, how about ‘make me mother seal, or as the French say, MOTHER FUQUER’?”
“Do it man”
sends message
“I did it”
“I should have passed French”
“You failed?”
another message
“Don’t you mean la mere phoque, what’s a foke? I bet he passed French, what a know it all!”
“Respond with an emoji pointing at you and then the nerd emoji”
“Jeremiah you’re a genius”