We Need Your Help!

“Amelia! Breakfast is ready!” Mom shouted.

“Coming..” I replied groggily.

The sun’s warm rays crept through my dusty, white blinds. It forced me to slip out of bed, due to the fact that it was quite literally burning my retinas. I noticed my pajama pants on the ground from last night when my boyfriend came over. Though, nobody knew he did because he always climbs through my window. Mom hates him and thinks he’s a playboy. However, she is the type of person to be quick to judge people as soon as she lays eyes on them, not just him. My brain was hardly awake, however, the rest of my body was the opposite. My hands had recognized the routine of making up my bed by now. My body followed my feet to the kitchen where a mix of all different fragrances met my nose. Bacon that was freshly fried, fluffy pancakes with sweet syrup drizzled all over it. Before I knew it, I was daydreaming. I had only noticed when I found myself on the floor after I had bumped into my older brother, William. He offered a hand for me to get up.

“Watch where you're going, dork.” He muttered, seeming to head to the kitchen as well.

“Don’t be mean to your sister, Will. She’s probably still just tired.” Mom said, defending me.

“Okay, okay.” William responded.

“Your father went to work earlier if you're wondering where he is.”

Me and William both sat down at the dining room table, waiting for mom to give us our plate.

“Probably just tired because her boyfriend was banging her all night..” He whispered to me, giving me a smirk.

“We made a promise you wouldn’t tell her..” I whisper-screamed to him.

“I’m pretty sure she already knows. The walls are thin here. But I don’t blame you because nothing gets past that thick brain of yours.” He chuckled.

I kicked him under the table making him groan in pain quietly.

“What are you two talking about?” Mom came over with our plates, placing them on the table.

“Nothing!” I responded in less than a millisecond.

“You remind me of how me and my siblings were when we were young-”

“Alright!” I cut her off, “Mom, can you pass me the syrup please?”

“Sure. Also, honey, do you mind going to check the mail now? I think my package arrived last night..”

I nodded, standing up and pushing in my chair, walking to the door. I put on my light pink puffy North Face jacket and slipped on some sneakers.

Not so long later, I arrived at the mailbox. I reached my hand into it and pulled out a small, but not too big box, (most likely mom’s package), and a card. Oddly, it was addressed to me. Who could it be? Might as well just open it now. It read,

“April 4, 2024

Amelia Dupont

3962 Wall Street

New York, CA 2037027

Dear Amelia,

This is Amelia. It might be hard to hear this but, I'm you from another universe.

Me and my people are in grave danger and desperately need your help. Armed men are going around and torturing whoever they please. I have been separated from my family, and now I am running for my life. Please, if you receive this letter, please come with others and save us.


Amelia Dupont”

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