"Be careful out there."
Use this as the closing line to a short story.
A chance meeting
The abrupt pass of each other in the crowd
I know that face so well
I think I could draw it from memory
You look at me with a pause
Probably just shock
As if you’ve been punched in the gut
Or maybe that’s just how it feels for me
With a tiny spark in your eyes
As if to say
There you are
The plesantries are made
The how are you’s
The casual I’m good’s
Then silence lingers between us
Even after all this time
The insecurities are there
Because we walked away
From each other, from ourselves
We know the truth inside
Yet nothing seems to come out from either of our lips
I can’t seem to stop staring at you
As if your a mirage
This can’t be real
Even if it is
What does this even mean
You look at my face
A smirk on yours,as your hand goes up in a wave
As you slowly saunter in the other directions
All that comes out of your mouth
Be careful out there