Plot Builder
Just a poet. Writing poems and getting better at the craft.
Sarah Henry
1 min read
Skinny jeans
Water bottles full of vodka
Playing frisbee in the park
Buying weed off some random kid
Cans and cans of Peace teas
Safeways Chinese food
Wearing Tom’s
Drawing on each other
Driving around, blasting music
Boxes and boxes of hair dye in almost every shade
Sitting around in the mall with hardly any money
Skateboards and group sing- a-longs on the concrete
Smoking in the parkin...
Hold myself to feel anything
To feel as if someone else is here
I miss the days when someone was there
Near me
With me
The graze of a hand
On my shoulder
On the small of my back
Fingers intertwined
I’m dying for it all
To feel again
To feel the desire
To be wanted by another
Even if for a small fraction of a second
But things have changed
I’m like an animal
Or a child
A chance meeting
The abrupt pass of each other in the crowd
I know that face so well
I think I could draw it from memory
You look at me with a pause
Probably just shock
As if you’ve been punched in the gut
Or maybe that’s just how it feels for me
With a tiny spark in your eyes
As if to say
There you are
The plesantries are made
The how are you’s
The casual I’m good’s
Then silen...
That’s all that’s left
Of our story
Put on hold by our actions
By our fears
By our inadequacies
How asinine of us
To let it come to this
But I can no longer live the lie with you
To continue with nothing
But gentle grazes and empty promises
Of late night calls that leave me longing for your hands on me
Yearning in anguish for you and I to be finally connected as one in my bed
I can no long...
I refuse
I object
I will not allow it
Even after all of this
When the flames settle
When our demons go back to there resting place within ourselves
I never let words that I would regret later pass my lips
I didnt spit venom this time
I walked away
Because all of things I felt for you
I couldnt unravel
Not after your reaction
Not at that time
Maybe not even now
But the one thing I kno...
A tiny blue plus sign
Hands begin to shake
I slide down onto the floor
Sit in shock
This cant be right
But the math does add up
Mind racing
Realizing I have to tell him
Pull myself up to stand
Get a grip
Wait until he comes home
Break the news
After hours of laying on the couch in silence
Hearing the lock turn in the door
My stomach drops
Either that or its nausea
A gleam in...
A simple knock at the door
Fear invades me
Then shock
Open the door
All i see is those blue eyes
Sheepishly looking at me
He walks in
Not much passes from my lips
But surprisingly a lot from his
Just let me say what i need to say
I know that ive been a total ass
I blink and keep listening
I just
I’m sorry about how I reacted
He pauses
Hes getting scared again
I was terrified when yo...
Falling feels like flying until the moment that you land
Because when you do land
Everything hits you
A rude awakening
Makes things quite clear
After all the euphoria
The feeling of being on cloud nine
When the reality kicks back in
You chase that feeling forever...
I am not a toy to be used
I am a woman
With complexities
Bigger then you can even fathom
All I did was find you
In this fish bowl of a world
Then I fell
So hard
So completely enveloped with you
With your soul
With all that you are
It washed over me
So secretively
So swift
Now here I stand
Hands covered in blood
From the aftermath
How you held my hands...
It’s the same dream every night
Standing in a dark empty room
Just you and I
I cant see your face
But I know it’s you
I feel it in my bones
I know in my gut
Regardless of the shadow that surrounds the room
Just simple conversation
Things we used to speak of
The essence of you feels almost real
As if I’m lucid dreaming
The feeling of your soul
The familiar feeling of home
But then I wa...