Submitted by Krisha Modha

Write a letter to your friends and family, inviting them to your final farewell party.

I’ll Be Gone

So long

This is the day

It’s finally happening

Now, none of you were expecting this. You haven’t heard from me in years after all. Hell, you likely don’t remember who I am. None of you know me by my name. I chose it four years ago today, by the way. I think it’s lovely, even if the people who do know it won’t use it. I enjoy being me, but not with my company. And so I was hoping to see you all one last time. Say hello after a few years, meet the new children, hear of those who have died. I won’t mourn though, I’m not sure if you noticed in our very little time together, but I don’t cry. I don’t care for death, and nor should you. It’s like I’ll die, and you’ll forget about me.

That’s just the fate I want, and so then I’ll be gone.

So come, we’re having a meal. There will be salads and meats and even pork crackling. And even those breadsticks you can’t stop eating.

After all, I wouldn’t be Katie without myself, and only myself can pull this shit off.

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