Write a scene where a character is leaving home.

It Is 5 O’clock

It is 5 o’clock and in the depth of the house a song can be heard. Yes, “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” can be heard and the owner of the house, taken away from a dreamless sleep, opens their eyes. Like every morning in the past five years, they sit by the side of the bed, drink a sip of water and head to the bathroom: it is the start of the morning routine. It is now 5:45 AM and there is now activity in the living room and in the kitchen. A television is mutely blasting news from all around the world (also known as Ontario, Canada) and the coffee maker is waking up to make a delicious Americano. While the coffee is brewing, they are fixing their outfit. Is there any spots? Does it all smell good? Have I forgotten something? As they ask themselves more questions about the way they look, the coffeemaker has done its job: the coffee can now accompany its master to work.
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