Out Of This World

Allow me to draw your attention to a plane of existence where time and the laws of physics have no home. The sun constantly shines and nothing hinders the lives and well-being of any of the enjoyers of this forever sun.

The land is strange and peculiar so I won’t take your time making you decipher my strange words and descriptions just to build a picture in your head. Instead, we’ll look at something you can relate to, something you probably see every day or have at least seen in art or television.

A tree, yes a tree. Well, a complicated one, a different kind of tree both in looks and function. If your a tree expert I’d say it resembles an oak tree. An oak tree that has the circumference and height of a skyscraper. Home to many inhabitants none human but all kind. Each with its distinct little safe space decorated to fit their values and idea of comfort.

This inhabitant for example invites all plants and things green. Some grow from the large gaps in the oak tree that allow rays of sunshine to bounce off the nettles, leaves and strange plants we humans might find sickening after eating. Shelves grow out of the oak naturally almost as if the tree knows what this inhabitant needs. It holds a small birdhouse for a little winged creature who trust me don’t look like a bird but is friendly nonetheless. Small books with text me and you would think are scribbles on a page. On separate shelves pots holding spices and soil that grow different plants and fungi, when digested allow you to dream of different worlds, sometimes unpleasant, to make you appreciate the paradise you can enjoy daily.

The creature who lives here looks as if the creator of this world cherry-picked aspects from yours. The body and shape of the sloth, minus the hair. The face and beard of an ancient philosopher. With old eyes but a twinkle of life that many people, unfortunately, allow to fade in the stresses and misfortunes of their lives. Not this creature, this creature lives with peace and contentment, without a gender, identifiable skin colour or religion. It simply happily lives its life with peace and love, completely non-judgemental and forever welcoming.

If you by magic was teleported to this realm, this home. You’d be greeted, and looked after, and this homeowner would listen with its wise old face and tell you exactly what you needed to hear with its wise old brain. You’d happily call it a friend and thankfully I can too.

Even though this world is not in our realm I think it’s worth saying that creatures like this live in our world as well. You reading this might honestly without a doubt in your mind find yourself relating to this creature so much you might think I’m writing about you, but have spun the details on its head to avoid legal action. If you are like this creature then congrats, you are one of the best and hopefully I can maybe call you my friend. If you know someone like this creature, protect them, and tell them you love them.

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