Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.
D- Dont hurt me.. thats all i wanted from you. i set the bar so low, i didnt want to be injured or manipulated or made to hate myself because i just learned how to love again. well...
a- Again and again the promise was broken. the bar that was on the floor was kicked like a soccer ball, i went from being excited when you would hold your arms out for a hug, the flinching and balling my fists so as not to cry for the possible injury i would sustain. you..
m- Maimed me and i should have left, you beat me relentlessly until i could barely breathe, in those moments i wished i would have just died. the moments after youd call for help to resuscitate me just so you could tear me down again...
a- abuse was a daily thing i endured from you. for so long. mentally, physically, and verbally. i should have left but you always loved me in the end. you just wanted me to be better right??? i was so scared of being alone that id rather be nearly killed by you if it meant you would love me...
g- girls coming in and out of the house was my breaking point, you didnt love me. you loved owning me. i was a toy to you. disposable. when i said anything about the girls i got hit harder so i just stopped, i couldnt leave anyway... you always threatened my life for me to leave, so i stayed.
e- eventually you got bored and left me instead. i didnt cry though. i rejoiced. the pain was gone. i didnt love myself anymore. i didn't even know myself or my face. i knew my scars though. they were many in number and all fresh. i had to relearn how to love myself and heal physically, emltionally, and spiritually. you ruined me but ill never give you the satisfaction of the damage i sustained from you.
d- dont hurt me. thats all i wanted from you. the damage i sustained was indescribable and unbearable. i just wanted to be loved. ill always hate you.
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