Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Write a story or poem using the above image as inspiration.
Never Seen Again
Do you feel it?
The water rising in your lungs?
The way it holds you?
The way the bubbles of air float to the top?
I feel it.
I feel the flow,
The current.
It’s sways me.
For a while I float.
I feel the water upon the tips of my fingers.
I taste the salt of the water.
I feel a swirl.
It starts out small,
Only shaking me a bit.
But then it starts to grow.
The pulling getting stronger.
My body starting to go under.
The water surging me down to the deep depths.
The only thing above the water was my hands,
Reaching for anyone to be there.
But no ones there.
And I fall down into the darkness of the water.
And I’m never seen again.