First Time Murder

Daxyl was a newly hired assassin. Normally, they went through training, and it took months for them to be ready.

Yet, not Dax. He had already been assigned a mission to prove if he was even capable in the first place. So, with his assigned partner - Nathan Highwell - in tow, the two set off to a fancy ballroom that their target was partying on.

“I’ve got the guns and knives, and some bombs if we need them.” Dax stated, his words quick and his tone a bit anxious. Nathan rolled his eyes, “We don’t need bombs, I told you not to bring those.” He then thought a bit more.

“Actually, give me one of those.” He held one of his large hands out to collect one of the small grenades from Daxyl. Dad hurried to hand one from his bag to Nathan. Nathan didn’t speak, but quietly gestured for Dax to follow him. Dax quickly trotted beside Nathan, and continued to follow him until they reached the dance floor, where the target stood hand in hand with a beautiful woman; a stark constant to the large, burly, pudgy man wearing a red suit and tie. Without a warning, Nathan picked the pin off the grenade and tossed it.

Just what they needed, a huge explosion. The target, and about forty other people, all blown to gorey bits, and the other hundreds all screaming in terror and fear. They all dashed to every door, every window, just trying to get away in the event another bomb were to be thrown. The guards started to charge towards the scene where the bomb was thrown, so Nathan and Daxyl joined the dashing crowd. Dax bumped into a few different rushing people, slipping on the blood beneath him and falling face first straight into it. Dax suppressed a gag as he got back up and continued running, his black suit now covered by blood of what was 95% innocent people.

Dax reached the back exit, where his car had been parked, but Nathan was nowhere in site. Nathan messed this all up, so Dax didn’t care anyways. He unlocked his car, and sat inside, just glad that was over with.

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