Submitted by HardCoreWriter
Write a story about a character slowly getting closer and closer to evil.
Try to show the change through their actions and words instead of stating it outright.
Slice of relief
The knife slices the maid of honor's hand, unleashing the squirt of blood on the mummified toilet paper bridesmaids' party. It splattered on anything in remembrance of innocents. Zermona's face lit up in delight as she wiped the blood of her victims from her eyes. Her hands didn't tremor nor did her breath shorten. She was stone cold still. A relief flattened her shoulders as she grounded her feet into her violent choice. Her pupils focused on Rebecca. Zermona inched closer to the impaled hand and slammed her palms down on it to intensify her pain. Rebecca gasped in agony. Zermona didn't know which delighted her more: finally standing up to her bully of ten years or commanding the room with respect. The liquor sure did fill her veins as she screamed her success to the room. She gripped the carving knife tightly.
"repeat it", Zermona hissed at Rebbecca.
Rebbecca's face flushed as her tongue wrestled with the tip of her teeth. "Wou... could you?"
Zermona doubled stabbed Rebecca's palm, reveling in the victory. "AGAIN." Rebecca was losing too much blood, and she began to fall to her knees. "Let me help you," Zermona replied
Zermona poked with her finger in her blood and used the crimson ink to trace the dick on Rebbecca's face. "I think you expressed it perfectly: I can't get enough of a dick." Her happiness filled her stomach as she let out a big laugh. She was no longer holding back her feelings.