Writing Prompt


Submitted by HardCoreWriter

Write a story about a character slowly getting closer and closer to evil.

Try to show the change through their actions and words instead of stating it outright.


Open The Door

Erm, warning— blood, tied up ppl, murder, cannibalism, kidnapping, all that not so fun stuff â˜ș If any of this happens to bother you, don’t bother reading. ———


“Why won’t you listen to me Scarlet?!” She yelled, punching the dining table with her fist as she towered over me. “You must choose a husband!”

“I am listening! I just haven’t found someone I-“

“You shouldn’t be looking! I married your father, didn’t I? He was such an idiot but I never questioned my mother!” Her voice softened. “I want you to be taken care of, my daughter.”

I glared at her. “No you don’t mom! You want me trapped. Trapped to marry someone I don’t love, trapped to have a daughter or son, and I don’t have any choice!”

She sighed exasperated. “Scarlet! Stop talking back this instant or I’ll—“

“That’s how conversations work!”

She gasped. “Take her to her room servants.”

I felt as two servants pull me away from my mother. “You can’t just do this to me! I oughta—“

“Bring her out faster!” Mother yelled.

Quickly, I was dragged to my room and thrown inside. My mother followed with a silver key. “This is for your own good.”

I heard the lock turn and my mothers light footsteps walk away. I looked in the keyhole and saw the key still there. Now time to figure out how to get out.


“Is this really the way boss?” I mumbled, slouching. “I mean, I know your sister fucked up but—“

“She didn’t just ‘fuck up,’ she ruined everything! She deserves this.” Boss smiled. “And I deserve to see her die.”

I nodded. Boss deserved everything she wanted. She was awesome. She was smart. Most of all, she cared for me. Well, cared enough to keep me alive. I smiled and pulled out my lock pick.

“I got this boss.” I grunted as I stuck it in the palace doors. “Also, whatcha gonna do with her daughter? Your niece?”

I could basically hear bosses annoyance. “Oh right.” She paused. “Maybe I’ll take her in too. Like I did for you Stagaeth.”

“What-“ I fell into the castle as the doors gave out. “A new minion? Are you replacing me boss?”

“No my sweet little slave. No princess could replace my favorite goblin.” She said, though there was a hint of lies in her words.

I shook the thoughts of replacement away and let her in. “Get ready.” Boss threw a potion at the floor and we appeared in the queens living quarters.

“Couldn’t you have done done that outside, before I broke in?” I stuttered.

“Of course, but you wouldn’t be of use to me on this mission if I did. Now do you have the supplies?” Boss smiled, her sharp teeth gleaming.

“Of course boss!” I giggled, excited. It’s been so long since my last meal.

I walked over to the queens bed where she slept, carefully lifting her head to succure a gag before she blinked awake, surprised. Then as she started trying to scream through the gag I grabbed her wrists and clamped chains around them, wrapping it around the bed leg. Boss came in and smiled at me.

“Good goblin. Now eat.”


Finally, it was over. After a long, bloody night, she was definitely, absolutely dead. And I could finally use my shapeshifting spell to look like her. The fun part was done. But step two might be more difficult.

“Go kill a servant Stagaeth. Then I can transform you too.”

“Two meals in one day?! Thanks boss!!” Stagaeth smiled, hopping out.

“Make it quick this time though!” I yelled after him. He was a the biggest idiot ever, but he got the work done.

As I prepared the spell he came back. “Done!” He laughed, licking his lips, the blood clearing. “Let’s do this boss!”


I strolled the halls in the morning, looking exactly like my late sister. No servant stopped and stared, no soldier I had put to sleep last night did anything other than bow. I felt overpowered but loved it. Then we neared my nieces door.

“Get her out. Do you have supplies left over?” I said to Stagaeth.

“Yes boss! Got that!” He smiled. But the door wouldn’t budge.

“It won’t open!” He frowned at me.

“Then open. it.” I sighed. I had no more teleportation potions, nor patience for this.

“My lock picks are busted!” He whined. “I can’t!”

“The convince her to come out.”

Stagaeth banged on the door. “SCARLET!”

I could hear the princess walk to the door. “Scarlet open the door!!”

“SCARLET! Come on out! I need to talk to you!”

I shoved him away. “Scarlet!”

“Mom?” I heard from the other side.

“Scarlet open the door please. My love open the door!” I said innocently, sweetly.

“Scarlet, can we not fight anymore please, let me set you free.” I smiled as I heard her sigh.

“No mom, I—“

“I’m gonna count to three


I heard the lock turn.


The door creaked open as my spell wore off, revealing our true forms.

“Get her!”

❀ Ik when I come back it’s this monstrosity. Sorry I’ve been gone

Fumes of Sin

The winter wind was unforgiven as it nipped at David's skin. Then again it was his decisions that led him to be standing in nothing but his breifs in the backyard just before dusk. However his focus was not on the gooseflesh rising on his skin, but the flames infront of him, his soiled clothes collected in a heap inside the man-made fire pit. If he focused hard enough he would swear the fumes reaked of burning flesh, abeilt he wasn't a credible source given how many white lines he'd indulged in this evening.

David learned from an early age that his reputation was profound. His parents had an upstanding part in their small-knit town. This made it easy for him to play the system. It was a mask he could fall back on when he found himself in trouble even as a school boy, a ruse he could use to place blame on others for even the smallest of wrong doings.

At the time he believed he was of no wrong, that he was merely protecting himself as well as evading his father's wrath. But David was no fool. He was self-aware enough to know the sin he committed tonight was unexcusable, that his God would not forgive him so easily for taking another's life.

But Richard deserved to die, that is what he had convinced himself. Richard stood in his way and needed to fall for it, so that David could have what was rightfully his. Surely his God could come to understand that, the lengths unto which David had to go to in order to preserve his friendship with Lyle.

David would wash his hands of his crime and pray to his God for understanding, yet not for forgiveness. David held no guilt, despite knowing he should. That it is only human to feel such useless regret. But his lack there of only made him believe that he may not be human at all, that God himself had played a hand in David's actions tonight; that he may as well be God if killing Richard was such an easy feat.

As David stared into the flames, content with himself and what he had accomplished, he wondered to himself why people attempted to wash the blood from their clothes when fire proved more efficient than bleach.


I slam my fist on the table in front of me, rage coursing through me. “You’re telling me we are just gonna let them take all those people away?” I hiss, my voice dripping with malicious intent. I planned to kill them all, all of them. Every single one who decided to capture half the population of a helpless village. It was infuriating and I would stand with the people. My slouched body language in the chair could hardly convey the anger and fury spreading like fire throughout my body. “Lavena, slow down,” Iran had told me, holding his hands with his eyes wide. As if he could stop me. Nobody could. I laugh exasperatedly. “Slow down..? Slow down!? Are you kidding me?” I exclaim, my voice rising higher and higher with every word. Iran shakes his hand, concealing his frustration with me. Iran’s P.O.V Lavena has not been the same since she realized truly how much power she had. She has killed so, so many people and it has only made her more and more distant from herself. And I hate to say it, but more distant from me. We’ve been “enemies” our whole lives and this has just made her hardly want to roll her eyes at me anymore. It makes me sick at my stomach to say I miss it. But I do, I miss our eye rolling. I miss our arguments. I miss all those moments where we acted more like lovers than enemies. Hell, I miss her. The REAL her. Not this
 evil side of her. I had to bring her back. “Lavena, please..” I beg, my hands out as if I could reach out and touch her and she’d snap back into it. “What, Iran? What could you possibly say that would possibly fix anything?” Lavena says, spitting out venom as she talks. My eyes widen. She wasn’t herself. It makes me nauseous to know she never will be herself. I watched her demeanor change, her emerald green eyes didn’t glow as bright. Her blonde, shiny hair seemed to shine less and less everyday. It was odd to watch her always stalk around instead of walk gracefully like she always did. Her eyes were also always so wide, like she was on high alert for anyone who tried to piss her off. God I hated this side of her.

       *Back to Lavena’s P.O.V.*

God I hated this side of me. I just wish, somehow, I could erase the day I saw one of my friends’ guts splatter all over me. She had turned to the evil side, and tried to kill me. “You had to Lavena, it was what was right. It’s okay, shh..” Iran had told me. I wish I could believe him. Suddenly, my eyes widen and I look down at my hands. “What am I?” I exclaim, my hands shaking with a million different emotions. Iran’s looks at me like he’s never looked at me. A look that made my stomach do weird things. Weird things I hated. God I hate it, I hate it, I hate- I lash out and plunge the dagger I had had clenched in my fist all this time into his heart. Seeing Iran’s blood splatter everywhere was the most satisfying thing ever. I smirk as he face gets stuck in a permanent look of shock forever. My smirk widens as I look at the blood covering my hands, even more wiping on my hands as I wipe a hand down my face. “I’m such a maniac..” I say, my voice satisfied.

Beware the War Zone. Wait, It's Just a School

Rory Lockwood was not as bright eyed and bushy tailed as she was when started to make her dreams into reality. As an undergraduate student, she often thought of how worth it the monotonous classes and tedious assignments would be when she finally got the change to teach a class of her own and be the difference she wanted to see in the world.

She wasn't even as spirited as she was on the first day of school, 3 years in to her career as an elementary school teacher. She knew the truth about the profession, but she still held on to the positivity and the lives of the children she could make better.

No. Now at 26 years old, Rory Lockwood was completely and positively jaded. The dream had officially died. Because even though Rory still held the same love for children and teaching that she always had, there was one particular aspect of the job that had ruined it to the point of no return.

"My daughter needs someone to monitor her every time she does a worksheet so the pencil doesn't hurt her. Same thing with lunch; she needs someone to feed her to make sure she doesn't choke.

"I'm sorry Mrs. James, but that is not an accommodation I can make for Lena."

"And why can't you, Miss Lakewell? I don't think it's too much to ask."

"Along with Lena, I have 22 other students I'm responsible for. I simply don't have the capacity to make individual accommodations for every student as one person. Any accommodations will have to be made through administration or the special education team."

"Special Education? What are you saying about my Lena, Miss Lukewarm?"

"Nothing, Mrs. James, it was just a suggestion for where you might be able to get the help you're looking for."

"Help? My Lena is perfect. She doesn't need any help. How could they let someone so evil be around our dear children?"

It took every last bit of poor Miss Lockwood's self restraint to not act on her thoughts and show Mrs. James what evil could truly look like. Although the true evil was letting poor little Lena grow up with the likes of her mother. There was nothing Rory could do about that, though. All she could do was begin to consider alternate career paths in which she never had to interact with another parent ever again and settle on imagining just how evil she could have been to Mrs. James, if only there weren't consequences.

Diary #2

**_November 6, 2024

_**Mom still hasn’t come back. I don’t know why I am disappointed. It’s my 9th birthday without her. She should’ve at least been here to see her daughter turn 18. Joshua and Marion made me a cake and prepared a gift with the scraps they had saved from mowing Dr. Kishong’s yard. I told them they shouldn’t have, they could have bought some extra chicken wings, but the new socks were really nice. Everyone in the neighborhood adores Dr. Kishong. I don’t get why. He is supposedly rich but he only gives us chump change after a few hours of work. Why did he adopt us then? If he was just going to make us work to afford our own clothes and food then we were better off still in the orphanage. At least there we could eat for free. I wonder how Kenney is doing.

**_November 10, 2024

_**Dr. Kishong told me I have two weeks left in his house before I have to leave because I’m an adult and should live on my own or something. I would understand a little more if I had a stable position in my life. But he won’t let me look for a job, won’t give me more money, and won’t let me work extra. How are Joshua and Marion going to make it without me? Dr. Kishong barely lets them work, both of their money combined can barely afford a burger and fries, so they would have to skip meals to afford clothes and other necessities. If Dr. Kishong had let me go to school then I maybe would have a friend who would let me live with them. What am I going to do?

**_November 13, 2024

_**Kishong is getting even more unbearable by the day. He took Joshua to his office and wouldn’t allow me to come. I’ve waited so long. Marion is crying. Where is Joshua?

**_November 15, 2024


**_November 16, 2024

_**Kishong came back. No sign of Joshua. I kept asking him where Joshua was, but he would dodge the question every time. He got mad at me after the fifth time and he slapped me. I have a bruised cheek now. I tried to hide it from Marion but she saw it. I have a week left with a roof under my head. I can’t leave Marion with this man. Where is Joshua?

_November 18, 2024 _

He hit Marion
 That bastard hit Marion
 There was a table knife right there but I only managed to dig it into his forearm. I’m locked inside an empty room. Marion isn’t allowed to talk to me. There is still no sign of Joshua.

**_November 22, 2024

_**I’ve been allowed two slices of bread and two glasses of water daily. Marion found a way to sneak to see me. She whispers through the crack under the door. Joshua isnt back yet. Marion is okay. That Bastard hasn’t done anything to her. Yet.

**_November 24, 2024

_**I was finally let out of the room. Only to get kicked out of the house. Marion was allowed to give me a final goodbye. Kishong still won’t tell me where Joshua is. I will try to find him. I wonder where I will sleep tonight.

**_November 28, 2024

_**Its cold. I should have bought that sweater instead of that plush Marion wanted. I was stupid to let her have something she didn’t need over something I needed. I wonder how she is doing. I shouldn’t regret making her happy, even if it was just for a little bit. But I’m cold. and lonely. And angry.

_December 13, 2024 **** _i have an interview for a job tomorrow, a small cafe far from Kishong. I still havent found Joshua. Marion is ok though. I saw her at a store today. Kishong promised not to report me to the police when he caught me grabbing my lunch. Only if I promised to stay away though. Away from Marion. Marion cried. I miss her. Who knew I’d ever miss sleeping at that place? Kishong grabbed Marion and put her behind him. I dont like the way he grabbed her. She was uncomfortable, I could tell.

_December 20, 2024 _ Kishong came by the cafe today. I hid in the back. I saw Marion in the passenger side of his car. She would never sit there. None of us would. Why would he make her sit there? And what is he doing out here? it’s so far from his house.

_December 23, 2024 _ That Bastard Touched Her

_December 24, 2024 _ I stabbed him

_December 25, 2024 _ Jail sucks. This girl is super annoying. But at least they got food. And that shower i took felt nice. Marion was placed in foster care. I hope she is ok.

_December 31, 2024 _ Joshua is dead

_January 1, 2025 _ I broke out

**_January 5, 2025

_**Kishong is dead.

Bits And Pieces

The water swirls pink in the sink. I scrub furiously at my hands, working the dried blood from my skin. It’s settled in my cuticles and under my nails; creased in the lines of my knuckles. Tiny lines of red that tell me I’ve done something horrible. If I only I could remember what it was.   Someone pounds at the bathroom door.   “Anna, hurry up! I’m late for work,” Sasha, my roommate, yells.   “One sec!” I croak. My hands look clean, the running water snaking the last of the blood down the drain. I close my eyes and will my breathing to slow to a normal speed. The faucet is off, but I can still hear the rush of water in my ears as a flood of images sweep across my mind’s eye – streetlight, dark brick wall, leather jacket, glinting knife, soft stomach, blooming red. I try to hold each image and expand it, stitching the images together into a single scene. But it remains bits and pieces, like frame grabs from a movie.   The sound in my ears retreats. My breathing steadies. With a loud exhale, I open my eyes and squint against the sudden brightness of the bathroom. I look carefully at my face in the mirror, checking for blood, yes, but also other signs. Anything that might tell the outside world there’s a terrible monster lurking within. My nose is nearly touching the mirror as I stare at my reflection. I blink. Back up. Close my eyes and shake my head. Open them again and stare.   One of my eyes – instead of its normal blue – has darkened to black.

footprints in the dark


Taehyung stood by the window, feeling the cold seeping into every cell of his body, but it didn't bother him. He simply watched as the world around him grew quiet, as nothing could disturb him. He wasn't sure what he felt, but he knew one thing - he didn't care anymore. Too many times he had hoped, too many times he had tried to find meaning in this world, and now he had simply stopped looking.

Downstairs, in the room, the voice of Jung, his Gook, sounded softly. That voice was always there, like a steadfast anchor, trying to keep him from disappearing into his own shadow. Taehyung knew that Jung was worried, that he still believed in him, but... how to explain that he had lost himself a long time ago? He was no longer who he used to be.

"What are you standing there for?" — Jungkook came up behind him, his cold fingers touching Taehyung's shoulder, and in that moment Taehyung felt the warmth of his body. It was the only thing that kept him from completely collapsing.

— I'm just thinking... — Taehyung didn't turn around. He didn't want to see that worry in Jungkook's eyes. — I think if I let go, maybe it will be easier. I'm tired.

Jungkook was silent, but Taehyung knew that at that moment his boyfriend felt every ounce of pain that Taehyung was experiencing. Jungkook had always been strong, but he didn't know how to deal with this dark part of Taehyung that was becoming more and more a part of him.

— You say that like it will help, — Jungkook chuckled slightly, but there was something tense in his voice. — You can't just disappear, Taehyung. I need you.

Taehyung turned to him, his eyes cold, like the emptiness he was trying to hide. He didn’t know why he said it, but the words came out on their own:

“I’m already gone. I just didn’t notice it before. And you probably will too

Jungkook didn’t react right away. He stood in the shadows, tense but silent, like never before. His strong hands clenched into fists, but he didn’t say anything. He knew that words wouldn’t help now. He could only watch as Taehyung, his Taehyung, sank deeper into this fog, into this darkness from which no one could save him.

“You shouldn’t think like that,” Jungkook said, his voice soft but firm. “You’re not alone. I’m here.”

Taehyung smiled, not his usual bright smile, but rather the smile of a man who realized that he had lost everything, and now this was becoming the norm.

“Do you believe it?” Taehyung whispered, but there was no anger or reproach in his voice. He simply asked a question he didn’t know the answer to. “Or are you telling me this for yourself?”

Jungkook stepped towards him, touching his face. His fingers barely touched Taehyung’s skin, but the gesture was strong enough to keep him in reality, at least for a moment. And yet, Jungkook knew that for Taehyung, that moment was just another step into the abyss, and perhaps nothing could save him.

“I believe in us,” Jungkook said. “But if you want to disappear, I can’t stop you. I’ll just be there. In this world or the next.”

Taehyung smiled again, but this time there was nothing in his eyes except absolute, dark emptiness. He kissed Jungkook on the forehead as if saying goodbye and quietly whispered:

“Then you will watch me disappear.”