The Abominable Snowman

Found footage#

“Is it recording?” David asked standing holding a microphone. Giving a slight nod he then started the introduction. Me and David have been working on a channel about the abominable snowman. And one week ago we found a video of a group of friends at the Himalaya mountains with footage of a ape-like creature walking across the forest. We knew this would be a huge breakthrough for our research and so here we are at the Himalaya mountains in search for the abominable snowman.

“Hello everyone, we are here at the Himalaya mountains on a hunt for the yeti” he began smiling at the camera. “And, cut!” I yelled smirking. “Great job” I said patting him on the shoulder. “I think we should set up camp here” he suggested grabbing our bags and setting up our tent.

The weather had been okay although the snow had started to pick up alittle. “Hey, do you think the tent will hold up okay?” I asked unsure.”yeah, yeah we’ll be fine” he replied setting up the camera. I then ruffled my hands in my hair “do I look okay?”. “Yup!” He replied switching the camera on. “Hey guys, we are now in our tent and it is pitch black outside” he said sticking the camera outside the tent. “We are now going to record us sleep to see if we can catch any activity” he explained turning the camera night vision on. “But before we do that make sure to like, share, and smash that like button!” I added before switching the camera off.

Gasp “David did you hear that!” I shrieked sitting up. “urgh…what” he mumbled his eyes shut. “I heard a growling noice come from outside” I wispered my eyes glued to the tent-fly. David then sprung up from bed “ITS THE ABONIMAL SNOWMAN” he said excitedly. “don’t you mean abominable snowman?” I said raising one eyebrow. “Yeah, yeah same thing!” He uttered.

We had been sitting in the tent for what felt like ages just listening for any noises or movements outside the tent. “Do you think he is-“ “shhhh” he interrupted me grabbing a torch from our bags. “What are you doing now” I sighed turning my eyes to him. “I’m gonna go check it out” he replied determined. He then crawled out of the tent and zipped up the tent-fly.

“God, where is he, he’s taking so long” I moaned. “David are you done!?” I shouted but I never got a response. Grabbing the camera and a torch I began to mumble under my breath. “I swear to god, I can’t believe he’s making me do this, just wait”. I crawled out of the tent and scanned my eyes around the area. “Oh my- it’s pitch black and so cold” I shivered. Looking down there was a trail of rather large foot prints. “I didn’t know David’s feet were this big, Jesus” I laughed following the path.

I had reached almost half way down the path when I started to notice tiny drops of blood on the foot prints. “What the hell is going on” I gulped beginnig to walk slower down the path. “David?, David!” I called repeatedly but still no answer. But then I had came to a huge dark cave. The cave was covered in millions of sharp icicles almost touching the floor. “David?!” I called out in front of the cave my voice echoing. David’s camping bag launched out from the cave hitting me right in the head.

My body collapsed backwards, smashing my head against the snow.

Beginning to awake I could feel my body being dragged across sharp stones and what felt like sticks. Opening my eyes finally I realized my body was being dragged across hundreds of bones. And dragging me was a hairy tall creature with grey fur and pale white skin. My scream was so loud it had echoed through the entire cave. The absaloute terror in my voice causing me to gasp for air loudly. The camera had caught onto my hair and so this whole thing was being recorded still. The creature had stopped randomly and everything whent silent. I could hear my breathing, my heart beating like a drum. Looking up to the camera I wispered underneath my breath. Help…me.

The camera had gone blank and all you could hear were the screams of terror in the background and the sound of blood gushing out of their throat.

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