Leona McNeil
hey, I’m 14 years old and as a small hobby I like to write short and sometimes long series’s of story’s x

Leona McNeil
hey, I’m 14 years old and as a small hobby I like to write short and sometimes long series’s of story’s x
(Poems are not my specialty so sorry but here’s a story x)
The water rippling as my boat Softly glided along the stream. a still body of water Reflected the earth and its beautiful silhouette. I wondered to myself what if there is more to a reflection?. What if the copy of the world we look at through a glass, or mirror, or liquid is a other world. That is sometrical to ours in every way?. What if we’re the reflection and we continue to be aknowledge by “them” in our reflections everyday.
One day I look in the mirror. I am conscious of who I am, what I’m doing, and where I am. But it is as though I am but a spectator to my body. Glaring into the reflection I felt different somehow entirely. Waching myself commit to my daily life but this time I was the reflection. My body moving like a puppet connected to strings.
Years or what felt like centuries had passed and I had been WACHING this “other me” totally take over my life, my friends, my family, even my work. It was suffocating knowing I was with them every single day but only I and my silhouette could hear my silent cries.
It is easy to get lost in the underworld. Let your fears and addictions get to you for two seconds and your whole life can change even the world around you.
I had been scanning my eyes upon the wonderful pecies of art in a gallery. when all a sudden a huge bright light dawned upon one of the art works. It was like god had descended from heaven to astow upon me this wonderful opportunity. Sprinting to the painting casted with light I closed my eyes and prayed before looking at the painting. “Thank you for the opportunities that I have been given and for the strength to make the most of them” I cried my hands pressed together against my chest. Then opening my eyes, I fell to my knees in utter awe. It was a miracle, a prodigy, some would even say destiny to come eye to eye with this painting. In front of me hanging on the wall was a phenomenal, a eqsuiset art of scribbles and stick man’s. It brought a tear to my eye because how beautiful it was.
A bird with wings unable to use them caged for its whole life. That was me, a caged bird meant for only ones cold gaze. Me and my husband Rick have been married for 9 years, oh how happy we are… I see him everyday glancing at those other girls, he makes me sick. When he goes off to work it is like a part of me is missing. I have no freinds, I am completely cut off from my family, the only person I have is Rick. applying makeup for me is like putting on a mask. Covering up the bruises and lumps on my canvas. Gotta be perfect for him right?. Yesterday was my birthday and I whanted to buy some alcohol to celebrate. But Rick told me not as it’s improper, maybe he’s right. I feel so trapped like I can’t do nothing I please unless he gives permission. I can’t even leave the house withought him towering over me. Every time I try to leave he starts suspecting I’m cheating on him or leaving him I don’t know what to do anymore.
I can’t live like this anymore I’m leaving tonight. I’ve booked tickets for a nightbus to england but Rick comes back from work early today so I’ll have to leave before then.
Found footage#
“Is it recording?” David asked standing holding a microphone. Giving a slight nod he then started the introduction. Me and David have been working on a channel about the abominable snowman. And one week ago we found a video of a group of friends at the Himalaya mountains with footage of a ape-like creature walking across the forest. We knew this would be a huge breakthrough for our research and so here we are at the Himalaya mountains in search for the abominable snowman.
“Hello everyone, we are here at the Himalaya mountains on a hunt for the yeti” he began smiling at the camera. “And, cut!” I yelled smirking. “Great job” I said patting him on the shoulder. “I think we should set up camp here” he suggested grabbing our bags and setting up our tent.
The weather had been okay although the snow had started to pick up alittle. “Hey, do you think the tent will hold up okay?” I asked unsure.”yeah, yeah we’ll be fine” he replied setting up the camera. I then ruffled my hands in my hair “do I look okay?”. “Yup!” He replied switching the camera on. “Hey guys, we are now in our tent and it is pitch black outside” he said sticking the camera outside the tent. “We are now going to record us sleep to see if we can catch any activity” he explained turning the camera night vision on. “But before we do that make sure to like, share, and smash that like button!” I added before switching the camera off.
Gasp “David did you hear that!” I shrieked sitting up. “urgh…what” he mumbled his eyes shut. “I heard a growling noice come from outside” I wispered my eyes glued to the tent-fly. David then sprung up from bed “ITS THE ABONIMAL SNOWMAN” he said excitedly. “don’t you mean abominable snowman?” I said raising one eyebrow. “Yeah, yeah same thing!” He uttered.
We had been sitting in the tent for what felt like ages just listening for any noises or movements outside the tent. “Do you think he is-“ “shhhh” he interrupted me grabbing a torch from our bags. “What are you doing now” I sighed turning my eyes to him. “I’m gonna go check it out” he replied determined. He then crawled out of the tent and zipped up the tent-fly.
“God, where is he, he’s taking so long” I moaned. “David are you done!?” I shouted but I never got a response. Grabbing the camera and a torch I began to mumble under my breath. “I swear to god, I can’t believe he’s making me do this, just wait”. I crawled out of the tent and scanned my eyes around the area. “Oh my- it’s pitch black and so cold” I shivered. Looking down there was a trail of rather large foot prints. “I didn’t know David’s feet were this big, Jesus” I laughed following the path.
I had reached almost half way down the path when I started to notice tiny drops of blood on the foot prints. “What the hell is going on” I gulped beginnig to walk slower down the path. “David?, David!” I called repeatedly but still no answer. But then I had came to a huge dark cave. The cave was covered in millions of sharp icicles almost touching the floor. “David?!” I called out in front of the cave my voice echoing. David’s camping bag launched out from the cave hitting me right in the head.
My body collapsed backwards, smashing my head against the snow.
Beginning to awake I could feel my body being dragged across sharp stones and what felt like sticks. Opening my eyes finally I realized my body was being dragged across hundreds of bones. And dragging me was a hairy tall creature with grey fur and pale white skin. My scream was so loud it had echoed through the entire cave. The absaloute terror in my voice causing me to gasp for air loudly. The camera had caught onto my hair and so this whole thing was being recorded still. The creature had stopped randomly and everything whent silent. I could hear my breathing, my heart beating like a drum. Looking up to the camera I wispered underneath my breath. Help…me.
The camera had gone blank and all you could hear were the screams of terror in the background and the sound of blood gushing out of their throat.
What if Sarah never recited the words from the labyrinth?. What if she excepted his love and joined jareth at his castle?.
Jareth sweeped Sarah off her feet and kicked the door open. He was the man every girl dreamed of, he was charming, powerful, and caring. She giggled her feet curling up from the tension between them. Jareth had layed her down softly on his bed. Her head resting onto the pillow as he gazed at her with utmost passion. He then began to move closer towards Sarah his eyes looking down to her lips. And Although Sarah was enjoying this intense moment between them something was bothering her. “Jareth?” She mumbled pushing her hands against his chest. “What’s wrong” he said sitting on the bed next to her. “It’s just, why did you try to hurt my brother” she questioned her eyebrows beginning to wrinkle. Jareth’s eyes widened he was speechless. “You wouldn’t of actually hurt him would you?” a frown grew on her face as she waited for a response. “Sarah, I promise I will never hurt you or your brother ever again I’m so sorry” he replied grasping her hands tight. “at the time, I would’ve done anything for you, for love” sarah looked up at jareth in awe. they then shared a heart warming kiss.
Holding the warm mug in my hands I took a small sip then slowly placed it down on the coffee table. It had been three hundred and-, god I don’t even remember. I have been in this place for so long everything has just become a blur. I wasn’t even meant to be here!, I was a good man, I paid my taxes, I took care of my family, I obeyed the law. I was good!, but he’ll just had other plans for me and here I am!. Although I have to admit it’s been… eye opening staying in this place, the torture, the desperation it just shows you who the true ones are. In my past life I was a married man with two beautiful kids, a loving wife, and a well paying job. But nothing lasts nowadays, am I right?.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ik what your really here for. You just wanna hear about life in hell, well… If I’m being completely honest its empowering. And before you start saying “oh he enjoys being a bad person” that’s not it!. You don’t know what its like. hell isn’t just where people are tortured, humiliated, and punished. It can be wonderful you just have to know where to look. Every morning me and the main man, and yes I mean satan. Have a small talk together, and although I will not share what we talk about I will say one thing. He doesn’t whant to be like this, Lucifer can be well… amazing, but he has been setup for a life he never whanted. He is like any other normal person trying to survive in this universe.
Laying deep under ground the air grew thinner. The walls closing in on me, and my chest becoming tight. I could hardly think from all the commotion going on. The only thing I could do was scratch and kick until even a speck of light seamed through the thick layer of soil and muck. The desperation was unbearable, my finger nails bloody from tearing at the cloth of the coffin door. I was six feet under the ground, no one could hear me scream, or see me struggle. I was nothing but dead to them.
Some would call this an ubduction, some would say otherwise. But to me this was a normal meeting with yet another beautiful creation of the universe. Its eyes beady and black like a pearl. I could see my eyes in its. “What beautiful eyes you have” I smiled gazing into them whilst sat having a picnic. The creature looked puzzled, and so I asked of it what was wrong. “What is love?” It asked their big eyes looking up at me. “Well love is many things it can be exciting, bold, and even sometimes entrapping, and dangerous”. The creature looked at me in awe “have you ever been in love” they asked. My head dropping “no, but I hope to be” I replied my eyebrows rinkling.
Both the human and the alien then looked at the sky in complete silence. The two admired it for its beauty and knowledge for it has been around since the beginning.
(Inspired by - slay the princess)
a cold canvas with multiple strokes from many different artists hands. My body frail and small displayed for the world to see me. Although I was but one person, one living being. my head had been clattered with more. A soothing male voice began to describe the area, setting an eerie scene in a darkened place deep in a forest. “Your on a path in the woods, and at the end of that path is a cabin” the calm voice explains. I began to confidently question the voice. Why was it here?, why am I here?, why am I hearing voices?, what am I?… The voice had pushed aside my questions and continued the story like script. Apparently this “princess” was the beginning of the world ending and I must slay her. But why?, how could an innocent harmless princess cause complete destruction to the earth and me along with it. Walking the path to the cabin the voice had changed his tone to a unsettling low voice. “She will lie, she will cheat, and she will do everything in her power to stop you from slaying her, don’t believe a word she says” he told me my heart going a beat faster. Arriving inside the cabin there was 1 table and a dagger sitting on top. The cabin hadn’t been used in ages by the looks of it, it had been covered in dust and webs. “I have a bad feeling about this” a second voice spoke in a higher tone. Then the soothing voice told me to avoid it. As it is not important. Continuing down the stairs holding the dagger tight within my hands a soft voice of a women called out “hello?, is anyone there!”. Walking down the steps there was a beautiful women sitting on the cold stone floor chained to a wall. “Kill her, kill her!” One voice shouted “she’s harmless” the other one called. But one voice spoke out louder than both of them “please don’t hurt me cmon help me take these chains off” the princess said her eyes looking up to me wide. My eyes looking else where not knowing what to do “cmon I’m only a innocent princess” she sighed in a convincing voice. “She’s not who she says she is” the first voice said in a damanding voice but closing my eyes from all the voices speaking at once. The voices had finally stopped. Opening my eyes the princess’s big eyes were filled with tears my hand in her chest twisting the dagger with all my strength. I-I’m sorry…
All I remembered was falling from, wait I don’t even know where I fell from?!. This place is strange there’s weird flashing lights and the people are acting so strange. Everyone looked so different, there clothes were weird and there hair was so unusual where am I?!. Trying to take off I felt something wasn’t right, I’d jump attempting to lift of my feet but nothing happened. Feeling my back my eyes struck up, where are my wings?! I shrieked panicking. They had completely gone as had my powers, and I could no longer feel a magical force running through my body. I was in a completely different universe perhaps a parallel universe, I mean all the humans were the same apart from how the dressed, and there animals apart from ours were mistical. Where was I?.