"Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive."

Write a story in any genre that contains this piece of speech.

The Golden Queen

The Golden Queen paced in front of her throne. She was enraged that her youngest sister the silver princess would betray her. Things were better for their kind since she had usurped their father. Their father hunted and killed anyone with magic, even if you were born with it. He had even killed his own wife, the one his daughters loved greatly. He didn’t know that his daughters had magic too, so he was completely surprised when the Golden queen took his throne and slit his throat. She thought that all of her sisters would happily follow her, as he would have had them killed. But, the silver princess had been using the ravens to send messages to an opposing force, who respected the rule of the old king and would have her killed. Her sister fled that day, but the Golden Queen was still beyond hurt and angry. Her guards came in, and reported that they had not sighted her anywhere in the forest. She then yelled at them, “Hunt down the traitor and bring her to me alive! I want to kill her myself!” And they quickly left, many of them frightened at the prospect of favoring the wrath of the Golden Queen. They were all shocked the day she killed her father, because she had been a gentle and timid girl. But they didn’t know that she was terrified of her father and what he would do to her and her sisters. Her other sisters were upstairs, rejoicing in their newfound freedom. The Golden Queen was bewildered at why her youngest sister would be betray them, as she did it all to protect them. The Golden Queen had protected each and every one of her sisters from her father’s cruel quest against magic. And her kindness was repaid with an attempt to kill her. Oh, how she couldn’t wait to get her hands on her traitorous sister.

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