
Bright headlights shone through the black as a car drove down the thin road. A hand appeared from the shadows, holding up its thumb. The car slowed to a stop as the driver looked towards the face the hand belonged to.

“Excuse me, sir,” the figure started. “I was camping in these woods when a bear attacked my tent! I ran for my life. I thought I was going to die!” The man was frantic, panting, and sweaty. “You’ve seen better days, ol’ boy! Where’s your camping gear?” The driver said skeptically.

“I told you man! A bear attacked my camping grounds! I couldn’t grab anything!”

The driver unlocked his door and opened it, gesturing for the man to get in. “Come on boy, I’ll get you home. Where you stayin’?” The man sighed. “I’m actually from out of state. My wife drove back this afternoon while I was going to stay another night and have her pick me up tomorrow.”

The driver gave a confused look. “Why would your wife leave you in the woods?”

The man leaned against the window. “We had a fight. We cooled down a bit, but she was still upset. So I told her, ‘go home, get some work done, and some good sleep. I’ve got some time to kill, so I’ll stay another night. I’ll see you the next day when you pick me up.’ She agreed, and we went our separate ways.”

The driver turned on the radio and tuned into a station. They drive off, leaving the woods behind them. “Well boy, you can stay at my house and call your lady.” The man smiled and spoke, “thanks. Oh, what’s your name sir?”

“Ah,” the driver said. “Sorry, I should introduce myself if you’re going to stay with me a bit. I’m Rick. And don’t ‘sir’ me boy, I’m only 35!”

“Well I’m only 23, so don’t call me ‘boy’!” They both laughed and compromised as they reached Rick’s house.

“Oh yeah, my name is Darren.”

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