Write a fantasy story based around the last message you sent to a friend.
The Fantasy genre typically contains magic, supernatural or mythological elements.
Literally Me
Im a world where everything you say turns literal, I made the biggest mistake. Here’s what happened~
*Regina has sent a reel*
I smile and pick up my phone. Seeing my best friends name on the screen of my phone was always a highlight to my day. Especially when she sent me videos. They were always funny and it always turned into a long conversation. I clicked on Instagram and watched the short reel. Chuckling, it was a compilation video about old Vines. The last one being karma happening quickly. I tap on the voice message and start talking…
“Girl, that last clip is literally me!”
A simple phrase, right?
~End Flashback~
Wrong, texting doesn’t form concequences. Only when talking does one have to be careful. That was the first thing taught as a child. Now I have to face my consequences, my life morphed into the last clip, forever and constantly being dumb and recieving karma. All traces of who I was now gone. Memories, property, everything, it was like I as a person never existed to the real world… now, all I am is a short clip.
The last clip is literally…