A fairytale character is dropped into this world.

How do they react? What do they find most difficult?

Mickey Mouse

There once was a giant oversized mouse named Mickey. Mickey found his way to the sewers of NYC. As Mickey was skipping around town sing a song that went like “hot do hot dog hot diggity dog?” I cannot recall the whole thing but I remember it was stupid, I remember thinking, “what in the world is a diggity dog?” Now, Mickey was a force to be reckoned with, pure evil. He would go around telling everyone to have a “hot dog day.” Which, if you know what hot dogs are made out of, you would find it very insulting. The people of NYC were not just confused, they were terrified that a mouse of his size was wandering around. As soon as I saw the beast I called pest control. As soon as they arrived Mickey was saying something about his innocence but it was to no avail as he got tossed to the ground and got knocked out faster thank you can say toodles. Mickey was then brought to a research center and how he is doing now is unknown, but that will be the last time any yellow shoed oversized mouse in gloves and pants ever visits the big apple ever again.

The End

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