Give Up.

It is time to learn how to give up.

I was taught early on that giving up is unacceptable.

Whether it’s a job, a dream or a relationship.

Maybe this is why I find it so hard to give up

I fight against myself to let go of things that disrupt my inner peace.

Like a wrestling match but my opponent is myself.

A friendship that I’ve outgrown, a job that brings no fulfillment or an item that holds no value.

I can not find it in me to just give it up.

I understand now that it is alright to give up.

To give up is to let go.

It allows space for new opportunities and unlocks new lessons to learn.

Like a forest fire, i must burn so that i can make room for new growth.

I will not give up on something that brings discomfort, as discomfort is part of growth and learning.

It is important to remember that once discomfort turns into unhappiness, it is time to give it up.

Give up on suffering.

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