
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.

Icy blue end

I'm stuck. Stuck in a hopeless position. The air is cold and stiff, thin and thick. The world is blue trees growing around me, rising through the ground. There's no escape for my eyes or mind. The trees thick icy-blue branches swirling around me. I walk in circles to try and escape the trap I've gotten myself into once again. Trees only growing taller and taller till they reach eachother. Their branches colliding tieing eachother shut. I feel my soul leave my body. Trying my hardest to pick myself out of the hole I'm found in again. My body falls to the ground. All my senses and abilities, gone. All that's left of what was once myself is my looping thoughts in my head. The trees grow thicker, branches expanding farther than my sight. There's only a matter of time till they engulf entirely. They start to move inward as the green twigs start falling in me. My sight starts to go as well my hearing. There is nothing left for me. I let myself go and give up the un ending fight. Give the reinsurance that at least my loved ones have my last words. Some of which would call a suicide note.
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