Your protagonist is invited to a wedding. When they arrive, they realise one of the couple happens to be their first ever love with whom they lost touch long ago.

I Don’t

I was wearing a purple mini dress to the wedding, little ankle boots and a black headband.

Samantha had invited me to this wedding 3 weeks ago. She was an old friend and it was kind of her to invite me, but I think she just wanted the bodies. She wanted to impress her snobby older sister who had about 800 people at hers.

Samantha was a nice girl and I was glad that she had found love. I heard that it was someone from our old Highschool. Apparently they had met again at a bar somewhere.

I probably knew the guy, just didn’t remember him. I forgot a lot of people from Highschool. After I graduated I launched myself into my work and became an animator for a big corporation.

As I walked into the church I saw about 20 people from my Highschool straight away.

Lloyd Hanks from 10th grade English, Ashley Bates from 12th grade calculus. I walked straight up Ashley. I loved her. She was one of my best Highschool friends, even if she was a bit overbearing.

“Hi Ashley!” I called as I jogged over. Ashley grinned and opened her arms.

“Ali!” She cried, “I can’t believe you’re here! Did Samantha really invite you too?”

I furrowed my eyebrows. That was a weird thing to say.

“Um yeah. . .”

Ashley was a pretty thing, white blonde hair that was almost silver with how light it was. I remember her having lots of boy troubles when we were 16.

We lost contact about 3 years ago. We lived in opposite ends of the country, me in Washington, her back home in Georgia. She had a real southern accent.

It was nice to be back in Georgia. The hot weather was a nice change from rainy Washington weather.

I moved to Washington for school and then just stayed there because I had a job opportunity.

“You haven’t heard who Sam’s marrying, have you, Ali?” Ashley said, dourly.

“I-“ I stopped because of the sour look she was giving me. Who was this person that she was marrying? Was it a teacher or something? All I knew is that it was someone from my old Highschool.

“Ali-“ just as Ashley was about to tell me who it was the groom made his entrance with his best men. I saw the groomsmen first.

Kieran Lockwood and another older-ish man that I had never seen before. Then I saw the groom.

He was wearing a black suit with a neat bow tie look. His black hair was slicked back with a clean cut. His freckled face held a grin. When our eyes met my stomach dropped like it used to 10 years ago.

Harrison Turner. I called him Turner just like everyone else did. I used to love Turner. The truth was I never stopped loving him. Someone told me that he had kissed Lottie Harman right before graduation. Two days after, I ghosted him and moved to Washington. I haven’t spoken to him in about 9 years.

“Alexandria?” He asked. He looked at me like he never stopped loving me either. He also looked terrified.

“Turner,” I uttered quietly. Ashley swallowed next to me.

“Yeah. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I thought you knew, Ali,” she whispered

“Dex, can you get me a water?” Turner asked the groomsman I didn’t know. He nodded and patted his back as he left.

Kieran also stared at me. His green eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

“Turn, Buddy. . .” He trailed off and grinned as Turner started towards me.

“It’s nice to see you, Ali!” Kieran cried, running after his friend.

Once Turner got to me he brought me into his arms and hugged me tight. Then he brought me away from him.

“You left me!” He cried, “without warning! You went to Washington without even saying goodbye!”

“I know,” I muttered.

“I loved you, Ali,” he yelled. Some of the guests started to look over at us.

“I know,” I said a little louder this time.

“I’m getting married today!” He yelled again.

“I know!” I shouted back.

“I know, I know, I know!” I cried pushing him back. Turner looked as surprised that I pushed him as I felt. What now? My first love ever was getting married to someone else.

“You kissed Lottie Harman,” I yelled.

“Who told you that!?” He asked loudly, “I would never do something like that to you!”

I tried to remember who had told me. I wracked my mind for who I talked to at the pre-grad party. Then I remembered.

“It was Sam,” I blinked.

“Samantha?” Turner asked, his brow forming to a V as his brown eyes darkened. I started to breathe heavily.

“Yes,” I whispered.

Dex came running back in.

“It’s starting, man, what are you doing?!“ he cried. Kieran raised his eyebrows, but ushered Turner to the alter. Ashley dragged me to a pew near the front. Turner kept his eyes on me.

“Dria. . .” He called quietly as he was pushed in front of the priest. The priest looked between us suspiciously.

Suddenly the flower girl and the ring bearer came into the church. They both looked stunning, Samantha’s niece, Genevieve, and Turner’s cousin, Greggory.

It all happened so fast as Sam’s bridesmaids came waltzing out after the children and then there was Samantha.

Only did Turner rip his eyes away from me once she was halfway down the aisle. He looked scared and alone, even while he was surrounded my hundreds of people.

Sam was smiling as she walked, and so was everyone else in the wedding, except for Turner.

“Dexter is Samantha’s brother,” Ashley leaned in and whispered to me.

“That’s why Turner asked him to leave.”

I ignored Ashley and continued to stare at Turner. He glanced back at me, but by that point Sam was already down the aisle. The priest smiled.

“Well, we are here today under God to witness the union of Harrison Clarke Turner and Samantha Clarice James in holy matrimony. If you have any objections to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace,” the priest paused briefly and looked at me, but when I didn’t say anything he continued to speak.

“Do you Samantha take Harrison to be your lawfully wedded husband?“

Sam grinned. “I do,”

“And do you, Harrison take Samantha to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

Turner glanced at me. Samantha furrowed her brow and looked back at me as well. He looked back at Sam.

“I-I don’t,” he said.

I gasped along with about 100 other people.

What had Turner done?

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