Love ?

“I’m not marrying him. I don’t even know him. I don’t care about money!” screamed Darla, the Princess of Jana, as she turned and stomped upstairs to her bedroom.

“We need the alliance with Fina in order to succeed. That’s why you’re marrying Chester, King of Fina,” said King Jarod.

“Chester what kind of name is that?” said Darla. “What were his parents thinking?”

“Can we meet then I’ll decide?”said Darla from upstairs.

“You will meet tomorrow at 1 o’clock,” said King Jarod from the bottom of the stairs.

“I guess,but father, I want to marry someone I love,” said Darla.

Darla’s mom, Queen Carla, walked into Darla’s room. “Darla, your father and I had an arranged marriage and we are happy.”

“Yes mom but…..” said Darla.

“No buts, you’ll meet him tomorrow. I hear he’s dashing,” said Queen Carla.

“We’ll see….looks aren’t everything,” said Darla as she pulled a book off her shelf. She sat in her room and read a book full of dragons,fairies,and love. She enjoyed her solitude. Then she went for a walk in the gardens.

Princess Darla lived for the colors of the flowers in the gardens. She loved the butterflies, moths and the honey bees. She also watched the hummingbirds eating nectar. She spent the day wandering. Then returned home for supper and retired.

Sleep didn’t come easy since she was thinking about King Chester. He’s a king so he must be my fathers age she thought. I don’t know if I can handle this marriage of convenience. Maybe I’ll run away or forfeit my crown. How would my parents like that? She thought deviously. Sleep eventually came but it wasn’t sound sleep. Her cat, Sylvester, jumped on her bed.

The next morning Sylvester meowed for food and wanted Darla to wake up to cuddle. Sylvester purred loudly. Darla chose to care for her cat herself rather than bother the servants. She loved her cat.

She dressed for a morning five mile jog in the forest. What if I arrive home after one o’clock? She thought. I better be home for lunch to dress to meet King Chester. I’ll get it over with maybe it won’t be so bad, she thought. N

She ate toast and grape jelly when she came home. Then went to her room to read again. After a couple chapters she showered, dressed and went downstairs for tea with her mom.

“Are you ready to meet the king today? asked Queen Carla.

“Ready as ever….” said Princess Darla sarcastically. “I’m not making any promises.”

“Thank you for agreeing to meet the King,” said Queen Carla, “Please be on your best behavior.”

“I will; this whole thing makes me nervous. I’m to young to marry a king. Is he dad’s age?” said Darla.

“Didn’t we tell you? He’s 22 just three years your senior. No wonder your nervous. We wouldn’t ask you to marry someone your fathers age. That would be weird for sure,” said Queen Carla then ate a truffle.

“That makes me feel better. I just couldn’t imagine being with someone dads age?” said Princess Darla sipping her tea.

The bell rang and the family ate steak, potatoes, and rolls. They ate blueberry pie for dessert.

They sat in the living room until they heard a knock on the door. Sylvester meowed and purred on Princess Darla’s lap. The golden retriever barked and the butler went to the door. “King Chester has arrived Miss,” said the butler.

“Let him in and bring him to the drawing room,” said Queen Carla to the butler.

“Thank you mom,” said Darla.

“Your welcome I wanted you to be able to prepare your mind before you meet the king,” said Queen Carla with a smile. “Don’t take too long I’ll see you soon.”

Darla took a breath and said a prayer as she put Sylvester on the floor. She walked down the hall to the drawing room. She didn’t frequent this room often because she didn’t have many visitors.

Queen Carla was right King Chester was dashing maybe this could work but she wanted to marry for love and would make that clear. They walked in the garden. “I love gardens,” King Chester said as he identified many insects and birds.

“I love insects and birds,”said Princess Darla. “Do you enjoy exercising?”

“I exercise on a trail near my castle. I love nature,” said King Chester.

Maybe this won’t be bad after all thought Princess Darla.

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