You are convinced you can see mysterious figures lurking in the shadows. Write a poem about them.

Choose a specific style of poetry that would be suitable for this theme.

The Dark Figures

There was once a man who lived in terror of the things he would see every night. Things that he could only see. Everyone in town thought he was “crazy” or “delusional”, and that the things he saw were fake, but through the look of his eyes, it sure sounded real. His name is Joe Bennet. He was known for being “the coo-coo neighbor” who was believed to be on drugs. He had a slender frame so thin, you could see his spinal cord and his lung bones. His nose a was bit crooked to the side of his face and his lips were as pale as a vampire's skin. His beard was a bit bushy due to not having a haircut in God knows how long. His long hazelnut-colored hair was always out of place, looking greasy and frizzy.

“I’m telling ya, they are out to get me! To hunt me!!” he would tell his neighbors but nobody would listen. Each night, he would live in constant fear the day of their return, until one night, we couldn't face them anymore.

It was around December 24th, Christmas Eve, and everyone and their families were preparing for tomorrow, baking cookies, drinking hot cocoa, watching Christmas movies before they drifted to sleep, and of course, the children were waiting for Santa. Everyone but Joe was going to have a peaceful Christmas.

11:30 PM. Joe was trying to get some sleep that night, but of course, he couldn't escape from the dark figures that haunted him. “Please, don't kill me!! Please!!” he begged the figures of the night.

“Joe…..Don’t…….” the shadowy figure would say in a raspy voice. The voices were so raspy, it was barely audible.

“Get away from me, get away!!!!!” he yelled.

The figure didn't move an inch.

He grabbed a pistol he had on his hip and pointed the gun at the dark figure in front of him.

“I'm going to tell you one last time, get out of my house or I will have to shoot”. The figure still hasn't moved.

Joe pulled the trigger, but the figure did not get hit.

Joe was stunned.

“Go to hell” Joe yelled in frustration and fearfulness.

He shot again, but still, the figure was still alive.

The figure started to walk closer to him, and he realized there was nothing he could do. The bullets couldn't kill the dark figure invading his house.

So he grabbed the pistol, and shot himself in the stomach, slowly bleeding to death.

The last thing he saw before he died wasn't the dark figure, but his wife hugging him.

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