Fork In The River

“Hey you guys are going so fast!” I yelled.

“That’s the point Tess!” My sister yelled back from farther up the river. “I plan on winning this year!”

“Do you hear that Ben?” I yelled to my sisters boyfriend, “Jenna thinks she’s actually going to beat you this year!”

He looked at her and laughed, “Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself.”

I laughed. Ben and Jenna were so cute together. We have been camping with Bens family since Jenna and I were in elementary school. Once we got old enough we started to kayak and it eventually evolved into an annual summer race. I have only won a couple times, but I just enjoy the adventure of it and the beautiful scenery.

As I continued to paddle, I realized that I had fallen behind. Way behind. Shoot.

I kept on paddling and there was no sight of them. Once I got to the fork in the river I really was in trouble. We usually went to the right, but sometimes we switched it up. Ugh. This stinks. Just as I was about to go to the right I saw another small opening just before it. Weird. I hadn’t noticed that before.

After calling Jenna and Ben on their phone, I waited a few more minutes and then headed for the mysterious opening. Well this should be interesting.

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