Write the story that led to this image

the shadow

That day I needed inspiration. I needed a day off to myself, a day to think and find creativity. So I went to the place I knew would give me the inner peace I wanted: the forest.

As I walked through the woods hearing the sound of the animals, I could already picture all the things I could draw. That’s why I like the forest — it makes me find beauty in the smallest things.

I sat under a tall tree that had a hole in its trunk, I took my sketch book out of my bag and started to draw. I drew for hours and hours, many different things, landscapes, animals, colors... I completely lost track of time.

I got back to reality thanks to the sound of a breaking branch. It was already dark, but I hadn’t notice it. Initially, I didn’t pay attention to the sound, but the more I listened, the more it sounded like steps coming close to me. Who would be in the woods in the night?

It didn’t take me a long time to realize that the question was not who, it was what.

From the hole in the trunk of the tree, a shadow was coming out and getting closer and closer to me.

I didn’t even grab my stuff. I just started running, but the shadow, that looked like a wolf, didn’t seem to go away.

I didn’t look back, I just ran and ran until I didn’t hear the steps of the wolf behind me. When I was almost completely sure that I had left it behind, I looked back — and there it was.

Before I could turn back, I tripped on a branch and fell, and my mind went blank.

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