Plot Builder
friendly reminder for myself: no idea is completely original.
Shay Andersen
1 min read
Life without you... I don’t even know where to start.
Life without you wouldn’t be sad, no. Sad is not the word. The word I’m looking for is empty, lonely, boring.
I met you when I had no friends at all and I couldn’t seem to even say “hi” to someone. But I did with you. Because you seemed to be one of these people that wouldn’t ever judge, no matter my racing thoughts telling me that you woul...
YA fiction
A spark of electricity. That’s all it took to burn down a whole family life, a bunch of memories that happened there.
The official cause of the fire was a spark of electricity, but Ethan is sure that’s not the real cause. Because before the whole house started to burn, he heard a voice saying “fire is the only way to get the demon out of here”....
Crime, mystery & thriller
That day I needed inspiration. I needed a day off to myself, a day to think and find creativity. So I went to the place I knew would give me the inner peace I wanted: the forest.
As I walked through the woods hearing the sound of the animals, I could already picture all the things I could draw. That’s why I like the forest — it makes me find beauty in the smallest things.
I sat under a tall tree...
being weird is different,
but being different isn’t weird....
2 min read
“I’ll be back in a couple of hours”, Helena said resting her little hand in the flashing red door of her wardrobe. “Don’t be too scared, it’s okay”.
School today was going to be even more boring than yesterday, and definitely more than the day before. School already couldn’t teach her anything that she hadn’t read in some random book before. Really impressive for a seven year-old girl, although s...
the day her father died
she didn’t even cry,
she stood there, emotionless,
hoping to go back in time.
she wanted to believe
that it was only just a dream,
that everything would be alright
when she knew it wouldn’t be.
the days blended together,
she lost her smile forever,
like it was some ghost in earth
that wouldn’t be the same ever.
she couldn’t go back in time,
she couldn’t get back her smile,
Wednesday, 5:40pm. We get another call for an ambulance. A middle-aged woman is having a heart attack. We get calls like this everyday, I mean, it’s our job to save people from dying. But nothing has been the same since the sentence “the ducks are coming” was said for the first but not last time. It’s the only thing people have said before dying for the past two months, and no one knows what it me...
maybe this spring
will make everything flow again,
just like trees will grow leaves,
the blossoming flowers and the bees
are coming back to life
as it always has been.
the world turned upside down
will go back to what it used to be....