Power: the capacity to direct or influence the behaviour of others, or the course of events.

Introduce a character who holds a position of power, and write about how they use this power. Try to think outside the box of political/business/wealth -based power.


I knew there was something about you...

You know who you are , if you dont then you will.

You manipulative whore, you.

Just thinking about you makes me wanna smoke..

I am going to call you by the nickname you gave me "baby boy".

You "baby boy" , you made me do what you wanted me to do,

say what you wanted me to say and jump when you say jump.

I do not know why i stayed with you for so long,

you controlled me to the tea.

You controlled who i talked to, hung out with and even made me drift from my family.

i don't think you understood the effect you have on me.or the power you had over me.

Here I am in my first homosexual relationship

gave you my all and the benefit of the doubt.

I showed all my scars , telling you what hurt me but still you ended up hurting me the most...

This is my goodbye

I am going to hang out with who i want, talk to who i want and do whatever i please.

I do not need your approval or anything.

Im my own person and think for myself,

Goodbye "baby boy"

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