The only answer is arson.

Show how a character slowly comes to this conclusion throughout the course of the story.

solved it!

hey! help me with this puzzle. it starts with an a, and the clue is “to set on fire.” it’s five letters. to set on fire, to light up, to burn, the world burning, to watch the world burn… no, it can’t be mean girls, that’s too long. to set on fire, to light up, to light up with joy, to be happy, to love, to adore? maybe. but that seems too far off. let’s try again. to set on fire, to light up, to burn, to explode, to make things explode, to blow up, to blow things up—no, “bombs” starts with “b.” hmm. to set on fire, to light up, to burn, to make things burn, to commit arson—ah, yes. that’s it. the only answer is arson.

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