A character discovers a hidden talent that they never knew they had.
Consider how the character feels about this new discovery and how it might change their life.
the hidden should stay hidden.
i’ve always hated the prompt, “share three interesting facts about you” that was given to me every school year. i would spend the whole period staring at the blank spot where my answer was supposed to be written. my mind would think of anything and everything, but i find nothing interesting about me.
my teachers would always scold me. they would annoy me with their, “you have to at least have something write,” i don’t make eye contact, “write something down, or it’s a detention.” but i still don’t know what to put down.
until, i could see the future. it sounds like something that would lie way back in a child’s imagination. it wasn’t a deja vu type of thing. i would get detailed visions, filled with the mysteries ahead. it’s usually in a stop motion form and my surroundings are black and white. that’s not what one would envision when they think of seeing the future.
i think it’s astonishing. i can see anyone’s future, the life that is ahead of them.
it’s useful in a way. sometimes, if i i’m bored in the middle of class i can just see what the girl next to me is doing tonight. sometimes, i think about scaring people into thinking i’m some psycho. the looks on their faces would be priceless. i love seeing the unseen of what’s ahead.
it was interesting, i enjoyed being able to barge into people’s personal life.
except when you know the girl to your right is going to kill someone tonight.
i tense up immediately. the vision had lasted for about 3 minutes, and most of it was bloody and gruesome.
my heart sank as soon i realized what was going on. i recognized her after a second of watching. she broke into a tall green door. she had a motive.
the girl then rushes up the stairs. she’s been here before. she’s studied the layout. the whole house is dark, the only light peeks through the windows from the moon. i can see the silver knife in her right hand. the grip is so tight that her knuckles are white. her long blonde hair sways behind her as she guides herself through the house.
we’re on the second floor now, and she has stopped herself. she’s looking around with evil eyes. i can feel her anger. i can feel the headache that comes with. and i can hear her heartbeat.
she steps closer to a door on the left, only pausing when she arrives at the door. she takes a deep breath. her hand grabs the golden handle, giving herself access to the victim.
a boy is laying on the bed near the window, snoring softly. his face is rested on-top of a pillow. the blue comforter is his only protection. the girl starts to study him, walking near him to get a closer look. her knees are now on the floor, and she’s whispering something to him.
“rot in hell, bitch.”
i’m getting chills sent down my spine. i’m witnessing a murder. i’m a first hand account of a murder. even if i’m not there, or this isn’t even happening in the present, i know what happened tonight.
the comforter is now pulled back. she takes the knife back and brutally takes away the life of a boy. she slits his throat, cuts into his stomach, and stabs him multiple times. she’s going ballistic on him, having no mercy.
the next minute is filled with evilness .
blood is seeping into the mattress and the floor. the girl is still stabbing him repeatedly.
it’s so loud, yet it’s so quiet.
she’s experienced. she knows where to puncture the boy. he was definitely dead within the first couple stabs. she’s quick with it, hoping that his parents won’t hear the knife sliding in and out of him. the knife stops abruptly as she pants. she put in so much strength to murder him.
she gets up quickly, admiring her work. once she turns around, i can see her face. it’s all red. she’s covered in blood from head to toe. the boy is unrecognizable. she’s made a mess. the bed is soaked in the red liquid, and it’s all over the floor too.
she doesn’t clean up. she leaves.
“do you know how to do this problem?” the girl next to me asks, it’s the one from my vision. she’s pointing at a number on her page. i state at her in horror. i know what she’s going to do tonight. “are you okay?” her face turns into confusion.
“i can help!” the boy across from us chimes. right as he says that, the bell rings. the girl frowns.
“just come over to my house tonight,” he says, “we’ll finish it there.”