I Apologize For This

I care about you

Me and you, we’re closer than ever

I’m the only one you have, you’re the only one I have

And that’s how it’s been for years

I appreciate you

I look up to you

And I would be devastated if you were to leave

But at the same time


I hate you.

I get tired of your humor

The way you blow up on people

The things you talk about over and over again

Your pushy and nosy attitude

The way you always get so mad

And the way you never can control it

And I cry for you

The way your life is so ruined

I feel pity for you

Because i know its not your fault you turned out this way

You hate it too

And I wish I could save you

I wish I could help you

But I can’t.

So the best I could ever do

Is to keep treating you with love

And hide the boiling resentment deep inside of me.

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