That Baby Blue

_Hey, so this is just what my brain is doing today. Absolutely do not expect anybody to see or care about this; I just need it out of my drafts so I don’t see it every time I open this app. _

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Did I cross the line?

One minute I said that I’m fine,

But the next,

I sent that text.

I told him my “problems”

And watched as he laughed through the lens.

I feel like I’m being annoying;

Like I’m just toying

With his time,

Wasting it on the spin of a dime.

I read things on social media,

About people who spill the tea

On their perfect little lives.

It makes me feel like

Somebody would tell me

If there was something really wrong with me.


Would they say anything?


Why would they?

I don’t talk enough.

They don’t know

How my mind flows

When I’m alone

And out come the true tones.

Bet you thought it was black,

But it’s not.

Black is warm, black is safe.

The non-colour can be whatever you make


No, my mind is blue.

A soft shade of baby blue.

Exactly the shade my room used to be.

Before we had to leave

My childhood behind.

That empty rind

Of a house means far too much to me now.

And now I bet you hate me.

You didn’t want to see

The depressing side

Of my mind.

You probably don’t care,

You didn’t want me to share.

Now I’ve crossed the line.

So yeah, I’m fine.

Thanks for not asking.

• • •

_Also I’m listening to my cousin’s playlist, and it has “Climax” by Djo. It’s stuck in my head now, and it feels like its hitting the part of my brain that was writing this poem. Give it a listen, eh? _

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