Historical Fiction… Bad Joke, I Know. 

In the dimly lit confines of his prison cell, Charlie, a lean man with piercing eyes and a brooding demeanor, sat slouched on his bunk. The weight of his loneliness weighed him down – a heavy anchor in turbulent seas. Feeling as if the system had railroaded him, his heart was full of resentment. And with nobody on his side, it seemed impossible to do anything about it.

One day, as he shuffled through the chow hall line, Charlie overheard a conversation behind him. Two elderly men stood there, one tall and stooped with age, his face weathered like the desert floor, the other shorter and wiry like Charlie himself.

"You hear about that class they're offering?" the tall man asked, his voice gravelly with years of hard living.

"Yeah," replied the wiry man, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "Dale Carnegie. 'How to make friends and influence people’.’"

Charlie's ears perked up at the mention of influence. He leaned in closer, pretending to scratch his ankle.

The wiry man scoffed. "Influence people, huh?"he retorted, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Sounds like a fat load of hogwash to me."

The tall man chuckled. "Maybe so, but wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Lord knows we could all use a friend or two in this joint. “

Charlie's mind raced. Influence people? He could do that. He was charismatic, after all.

With determination in his bones and a plan in motion, Charlie immediately signed up for the class, – absorbing each lesson like a sponge. after just a little over a week, Charlie decided to put his charming newfound abilities to the test. To his astonishment, it was working. Better then he had anticipated, in fact. it was as if he were a human magnet, attracting fellow inmates with a gravitational pull.

At the end of the six-week course, Charlie stood before the instructor, a kindly man with a warm smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"Congratulations, Mr. Manson," the instructor beamed gleefully, handing him a certificate of completion. "You've exceeded expectations and passed with flying colors!"

Charlie's grin was triumphant as he clutched the certificate in his hands. His plan was in motion. All he had to do now was bide his time, finish his prison term, and head to the ranch to assemble his Mary band of murderers —um— I mean followers.

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