Oh, Brother of Mine

I loved you before I met you

My twin from the dark

You were our mother’s favorite

She’d play with us in the park

Little rubber boots

Puddles in the rain

How she’d gazed at your picture

Now missing from the frame

A million thoughts echoed in her head

Not one of them directed towards me instead

Where’d you go, oh brother of mine?

To a far away place I’ll never know

Our house doesn’t feel the same

Without you, I feel lifeless- alone

The police went looking for you

But you never came home

Your friends asked me where you went

I told them I thought you’d gone on a trip

And when everyone you ever knew was loved by you

Your blue bike was found, missing too

Now you’re not here at all

They say its harder before the fall

But the fall seems endless when I’m not with you

Those sirens blaring in my head

Blue white and red

Caution tape, found dead

Please don’t leave me on read

There’s not a single red thread to trace your footsteps again

No marks on the trees to lead you back to me

Photographs only show me what I don’t want to see

Mother’s gone and lost it-



what happened can never happen again

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