Lucky One

A soft breeze flowed across my face, as I glided down the track. Sundown was my favourite time of day. When the sun disappeared behind the horizon, the air always smelled its best. The wheels of my rollerblades lulled me into my own head, and my thoughts buzzed. The sensory input of everything encapsulated me in my own bubble where I could be at one with myself. It was during my evening skate that I was most at peace.

I headed a little further on down the promenade before getting to my favourite spot; a weather worn railing which, when stood at, gave the most picture perfect view. Ahead of my I could see the calm ripples of the sea, reflecting the last of the days light. To my right, the ruins of a castle and to my left, a large stretch of golden Sandy beach. I stayed taking in the view, and when I noticed the street lamps turning on, I decided to have a slow skate back to my flat.

Not long after I began skating, I saw a figure up ahead. It caught my eye because usually, I don’t see anyone during my evening skates aside from dog walkers on the beach. This figure up ahead though, was stood, somewhat hidden. As I observed further, I could see a woman jog up the ramp from the beach. She was young, and wore bright leggings with a matching yellow top. As she got onto the main path of the promenade, I saw the figure zone in on her, and slowly, they began to move in her direction. Something within didn’t feel right, and I felt concern for the woman. Without hesitation, I rolled forward, at a quicker pace than I would normally go to catch up to the woman.

As I neared her, I looked at the figure and I was surprised to see my ex. My stomach dropped. I hadn’t seen her in 4 years, give or take. The hurt I felt hit me all over again. I was so overcome with shock that I wasn’t looking where I was going, causing me to crash into the woman in the yellow top. She yelped. Recovering quicker than I, she let off a string of curses before looking toward me and my ex, who had approached me, flipped us off and then stomped away.

Still on the floor utterly dumbfounded, a hand reached down to help me up. Coming to my senses, I slapped it away. “ I don’t need your help Rebecca!” I clambered around trying to get up. I cringed internally at the thought of Rebecca seeing my lack of grace. A pang of sadness washed over me as I found myself caring what she thought.

She took a step back, and looked at me with as much surprise in her eyes as I had when I saw her. “Just trying to help” she said in a low voice.

I was mad, but her tone caught me off guard. She seemed, off. I eyed her up. “What are you doing here?”

She shifted on the spot, looking quite uncomfortable. She didn’t reply.

“You’re being weird, even for yo-“

Rebecca interrupted “You should leave” her voice cold. Her tone enraged me. How dare she tell me what to do?! Before I could sound my anger, I saw her look around, before suddenly stepping forward, closing the gap between us. I held my breath, because for the first time, I felt fear. Something about her… it scared me.

I looked down, avoiding her stare, noticing for the first time the black leather gloves she was wearing. The feeling of fear intensified. I then looked at the rest of her outfit. Black boots, black jeans, black hoodie. She studied me, and I heard a creak of leather. Looking down, her fists were now in tight balls. They shook slightly.

I got up the courage to push her away, and used my skates to propel me back, a good distance from her. I noticed she also had on a backpack, and saw the outline something long but chunky in her pocket.

“I’m going home” I raised my voice to try and disguise the fear. I don’t think it worked.

“Smart decision” she turned away from me, and began walking away. I let out a breath of relief. As I relaxed, I saw her stop, and anxiety flooded through me again. Her next words echoed through me, and I haven’t been able to think of anything else since.

“They say if you love something, you’ll let it go. You’re the only one I’ve ever let go. Consider yourself lucky, Jen”.

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