Submitted by nlove

Write a poem based on the theme of illusions.

Whether this be something magical, deceptive, or imagined, keep illusions as your central theme.


No matter where i look

No matter where i run

No matter where i hide

he follows me

Searching for me

And never stopping

I see him in the corner of my eye

In the pew behind me at church

lurking in my cupboard

hiding in my closet

but he’s just so far out of reach i can’t touch him

He whispers in my ears while i sleep

and dangles over my shoulder when i can’t decide

and lingers in my thoughts when i weep

But he’s never really solid

he’s kind of transparent

like a ghost

that nobody else can see

he follows me everywhere i go

even if i don’t want him to

i don’t really like him

but he won’t leave

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