revolution teacup elephant
Write a story that incorporates these three unrelated words
Thrift Store
Designs and patterns. Whatever grabs the eyes attention is Drew’s motive for visiting today’s grand opening at missions Thrift Store. Something for the wife he thought, would bring a smile to her face. But what could she need that she doesn’t already have, he thought. As he ponders and walks down each aisle that are marked with paper and marker he noticed this teacup that stood out like an elephant in a room. He imagined his wife stirring her tea each morning, gratification with each revolution of stir. I must get it ! He shouted, causing some other shoppers to stop in their tracks and suddenly look towards him. He brought his arm up and behind his head, in an apologetic manner. Without paying much attention as he spins on his foot to turn out he steps on a toy car that had lost its place in the shelf, throwing himself backwards and onto the ground. the teacup smashed into smithereens, with bits of pattern becoming unrecognizable. Drew’s vision turns to black.