Purgatory. It’s not just a myth. Perhaps those who avoided death to only come back to the human world were right on the money. How remarkable is this experience. However, what they didn’t tell us is that we would be cold hardily judged by those we have loved and hurt the most throughout our lives. Imagining those who had died young and didn’t have a chance to figure out who they wanted to become before they get judged. Figuring the people they hurt the most and lived the most was probably the mother who gave birth. The pain and suffering lingered through to purgatory. I thought maybe the one I hurt the most was brad in grade 6, hoofing him in the groin as hard as I could during an intense match of king of the hill. Or the girlfriend I told that I didn’t love, having her ignore me for the rest of my life. The person I hurt the most, was the one I loved the most. Myself. Practicing non judgement according to books I read about mindfulness came in handy. This frame of thought allowed my current state of mind to come to terms with the judgements of myself throughout my life. This is the same for everyone, and stay here until they realize it. Non attachment is he key to the door past purgatory. Although life feels like it passes by, what we choose to remember and what had actually happened was grossly misrepresented. Life happens so fast, our memories tuck away. Watching my life like a reel in a video camera in real time felt like forever. I thought it would never end. The people I helped, hurt, loved, hated, cursed out, let take advantage of me, compiled into a session of weighing which one mattered the most. Our perception is a socially accepted, determined reality that can change with influence. I knew that the way I lived and behaved allowed my entrance to the next step. Logically humans think how they see the environment work. Everything must have logic, because of the world we live in. Because of Newton’s laws. Because of the law of matter. Because of gravity and our DNA. Purgatory and the next step doesn’t work logically. The next step was impossible to explain to another human. It must be experienced.
Non attachment. That’s what this world lives off of, ever since the bright lights turned on in the sky. All electricity has stopped, and it seems like the world has taken a dark twist. Everyone is going wild, without their devices and laptops. Evens cars have haunted. Like a massive worldwide EMP has shut down all possibilities. People who have invested their entire lives for electronics are looting nearby areas, and stealing anything that doesn’t run on power. If only we could have planned for this, we may have been better off. But not me. I invested my time learning martial arts, double time equipping me with electronic free work and defence. And not to mention, some confidence and awareness mentally. People are going nuts without constant stimulation of the bright lights in front of their faces. Now it’s just from above. No one has a logical explanation to what is happening, it is a complete mindfuck.
Tall sawgrass lined the crystal blue waters like a cape, leading to the guardians of the gates. Only a few have ventured here since the dawn of time, when the statues were constructed. Some believe it was done by gods, some believe they came from the skies and turned to stone when a monster was sealed away behind the gates; forever in a protected encasing until the monster is released. Some claim past the gates is the edge of the earth, where everything falls off into oblivion; forever destined to swirl in darkness and agony. Orion places his walking staff against the sawgrass, pushing it down to avoid it cutting his leather boots as he travels to his cabin amongst the pastures. Venomous cobras hiss as he carefully treads amongst the scattered foothills. Gazelle tracks give clues to where the animals may have been travelling towards, leading straight towards the gate. With squinting eyes, a second guess has Orion turning away from the thicket of overgrowth in the gates entrance. Food is harder to get this time of year, since most animals seek refuge past the gate, giving motivation to break past the fear of the towns myths.
Designs and patterns. Whatever grabs the eyes attention is Drew’s motive for visiting today’s grand opening at missions Thrift Store. Something for the wife he thought, would bring a smile to her face. But what could she need that she doesn’t already have, he thought. As he ponders and walks down each aisle that are marked with paper and marker he noticed this teacup that stood out like an elephant in a room. He imagined his wife stirring her tea each morning, gratification with each revolution of stir. I must get it ! He shouted, causing some other shoppers to stop in their tracks and suddenly look towards him. He brought his arm up and behind his head, in an apologetic manner. Without paying much attention as he spins on his foot to turn out he steps on a toy car that had lost its place in the shelf, throwing himself backwards and onto the ground. the teacup smashed into smithereens, with bits of pattern becoming unrecognizable. Drew’s vision turns to black.
The culture, social skills, history, and plain expansion of a race that has such a short life span would seem to be highly underdeveloped. The sheer idea and concepts of specializing in skills, growing up to go through stages, perhaps at an accelerated Rae or not at all would prove to be so hastened to be considered enjoyable by current human standards in any shape or form. For these reasons among many many others would I feel completely and utterly sort to not be able to show the others just how wonderful earth can be.
I would be king. Everyone would come to me for answers, and none would be too tough to explain, because they would not have reached that point of knowing anything other than the basics.
One point that could make humans equivalent is brain chemistry, and how their brain may adapt to the same things we do as humans at a hyper speed. Possibly allowing us to study their brains to make ours work with endurance and at increased rates. Perhaps they would have answers and questions that we never thought about because of our natural approach to human life. Maybe their idea of what life should consist of and what is important is so drastically changed that they wouldn’t ever fathom violence, or maybe even procreation? If they were only living 6 months, and they were able to live out an entire age like us from 0- somewhere around 90 on average. Each day they would grow and learn at a rate that would be so quick that even just talking with them would be so difficult. I wonder if this has ever existed. Humans that lived hundreds and hundreds of years older, that took pity on us for our shorter life spans in comparison to them. Why couldn’t it be possible? We don’t have all of histories answers. WE only have evidence of what we believe happened amongst concepts and understandings that are logical to our natural mind. Perhaps even the secrets of build such structures or even gods have existed prior to a certain event in history that somehow got lost along the road, by the ticking of time. Isn’t of creating a story, perhaps as a godly ruler of a race that would see me as forever wisdom and intelligible beyond comprehension. Or even the way I would be seeing populations dying before my eyes, with bodies piling up, with no way to harvest resources for living situations. Total chaos would ensue. If a population existed and could work the same jobs as us, eat the same, sleep the same but at an accelerated rate. Their concept of time and demands for success, and feeling fulfilled, and joy would not coexist with ours.