Inspired by an anonymous Daily Prompt user

Write an alien invasion story, where humans are the ones invading an alien planet.

Write your story from the point of view the alien species being invaded. You could make up some backstory and details about their planet and society to help us understand how they feel about the invasion.


I was putting my son, Sarek to bed one night, telling him his favorite story, of how Eldredth the Two Eyed gave peace to our planet when he vanquished the Oola race for good, when all of a sudden, the house shook, and his favorite model space ship fell off his shelf and broke.

He looked up at me, his three eyes wide with fright. I tried calming him down, but another rumble shook all calm out of him. I looked out of his window and saw something unimaginable. It was a spaceship, unlike any that our race has.

It didn’t make sense, we haven’t been at war with another planet for centuries now. This spaceship wasn’t even one of any race that we have encountered so far.

Out came a lot of four-limbed aliens, who were completely white, except for their reflective heads. I was overcome with a sense of danger, and had to get Sarek somewhere safe. He was already standing next to me, wanting to see what the commotion was about.

I rushed him into our storm shelter and he begged me to stay with him, but I couldn’t. I had to go to the government building, to carry out the role that was handed to me by my father, who was given it by his father. The only reason I have the job as a female is because I was the only child my parents had, and the role has to be handed down through our lineage, which came from Eldredth’s brother, Talock.

I ran through the alley ways, trying to ignore the shrieks coming from the main streets. I managed to reach the government building unscathed, but desperately worried about my son. My job when I got to my station was to cover the planet in a dome and fill it with a gas, one that only our kind could breathe. The planet was filled with a different substance, but if needed, we could breathe oxygen too.

So I released the oxygen, hoping that the aliens would die, but when I looked out of the window, I saw that he strangest thing. The aliens were taking off their heads to reveal these tiny pale things. They seemed to relish in the oxygen.

The oxygen was our planner’s last hope, without it, well, we had no hope left but to surrender before we were exterminated. I pressed the lever to raise the white flag, thankful that it was a universal symbol of surrender.

Before long, the aliens made their way inside and dragged me to the crowds. I glanced around and was thankful to see Sarek was no where in sight. He must have stayed in the shelter like I told him to.

When I looked into our captors’ faces, I saw nothing but hatred for us. Our lives had officially changed for the worse.

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