Submitted by Eliana

Write a short story or poem about a platonic relationship.

Think about how platonic love differs from other kinds of love.

Define “platonic”.

I never really knew what a platonic relationship meant. I understood it meant “just friends”.

But a platonic relationship is built on emotional support and respect, all for which you don’t have for me.

It’s platonic until you say so. Until you desire the borders of a relationship but never an actual one. Dipping your toes in the water to never actually get in.

You try to drag me into this delusion that we can add the benefits to our so called friendship. But what benefits are there if you don’t respect me as a women, as a friend, as a person.

The only benefit you get is tasting how much i love. Something that you lack in your life.

Platonic establishes trust, support, and respect among two people. But for us it was a bridge that when i tried to cross, it snapped. I always had to be there for you, but when i needed you, you were never there. No trust. No support. No respect. No benefits. No friend.

You’ll never find a lover if you keep believing you see them as platonic. You are incapable of commitment. Not just to a lover but to a friend.

The word platonic is as shaky as the tectonic plates in the earth that cause the world to shake. Your world will shake until it crashes down. You will have nothing left. No lover. No friend. No me.

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