Who are we when no one is watching?
Write a poem that answers this question.
**This is more a writing ****_about_**** who are we when no one is watching.**
Who are we when no one’s watching? Are we are best selves, following the rules? Are we showing kindness to the world by picking up that piece of litter when no one sees?
Are we living by looking for reward? Are we looking for something in return to our kindness?
I need to admit I live by this. Looking for reward when it pays to be kind is a bad habit. Integrity is what we need.
**Integrity - Doing the right thing even when no one is watching**
Integrity is what we need more in life. Being selfless and wanting more for others.
No one changes in one day. That’s why we start now. Look for the reward in others lives other than in yourself.
Piece of plastic or other litter? You just saved a sea turtle’s life.
Helped that old women cross the street? You just made her day a whole lot easier. Maybe no one was watching, but you did something good.
Maybe something to take away from this is do it like your grandma was watching. Would you still do that bad thing with your grandma watching? I didn’t think so. So do the good thing - Make your grandma proud.