New Friend (Soulmate Story)

“Can we go to the pet store?”


Lou pouts but complies. She isn’t allowed to go to the pet store except for one day of the year. Her birthday. And it isn’t her birthday.

Her parents and brother say she can’t be trusted to not buy the whole store, and she supposes that they’re right. She can be quite impulsive when it comes to animals.

It’s her power. Talking to animals means she feels so much empathy for them. She usually understands them better than humans.

But in her defense, humans are tricky creatures. They are just twisted up and complicated. They lie and manipulate and cheat. Animals don’t lie. It just isn’t in their nature.

“Lucille, our house is like a zoo,” her mom points out. “We let you take in strays anyway,” her dad adds.

“But the animals are so sad in the pet store!” She puckers her lips and gives them what they call the ‘puppy eyes.’

“We know, sweetheart. But we can’t have the whole pet store in our zoo of a home.”

Getting home, she is welcomed by her many animals. Ajax zig zags between her legs, always being the first to greet her. “Lou’s home!” Ajax shouts.

She hears a chorus of cheers from various parts of the house. Most below her. Some at the same level. And some above her. Woodstock, her canary, flies overhead, leanding on the coat rack. “Did you get my special treats?” He tweets at her.

Extending on her tippy toes, she scratches his head. “Of course. Just like I promised.”

The condition with her strays that her parents enforced was that she takes care of whatever she brings in, which she does happily.

It’s easy to figure out what they want and how to care for them when they can just tell her. It’s why she wants to either be a zoologist or a vet. To help animals with her power. Who needs a soulmate when you have animal friends?

Snoopy and Scooby come bounding up to her jumping and barking. Kneeling down, she pets them and let them lick her face. “Lou! Lou! There’s someone that needs your help!” Snoopy exclaims, tugging on her pant leg.

“Ok, ok. Just give me a sec.” She rushes to follow her two dogs, who run much faster than her to their outside patio. They go out the doggy doors while she has to open the door like the human she unfortunately is.

At first she thought she lost track of her pups, but then she sees them sniffing near the picnic table in the yard. “Snoops, Scoob, what’s that there?”

As she nears closer, she begins to see a small grey ball of fur underneath.

She stays a good distance from the table. “Hello there.”

The ball unfurls and startles at the three sets of eyes on them. They look more like a puppy. But a bit different. More wild looking. “Go away!” The voice is very young. Lou would guess maybe a few months old.

“Our human can help you. She understands us,” Scooby explains, his nose pointed towards her. The puppy stares at her warily, pushing his little body against the bottom of the table. “I don’t need help.”

“Where’s your mom?” Lou gentle asks. The small whimper answers it enough for her. “Hunters. They didn’t even mean to. They just got too close. Mommy got scared,” the pup’s eyes downcast, reliving the tragic memory. Lou’s heart breaks for the puppy.

She inches just a bit closer. “My name is Lou. What’s yours?”

When there is no answer, she lies on her stomach to try to look less intimidating (not that she appears intimidating usually). “That’s ok. You don’t have to say anything.”

Snoopy and Scooby take the hint and lie down, cuddling into her sides. And they just stay there, not saying anything.

Silence blankets over them except for the singing of the crickets that Lou listens to.

Eventually, the puppy tilts his head in curiosity at this strange human. He takes one step out from the protection of the table.

In the brighter light, she can now see him better. He isn’t just a stray. He’s a wolf cub.

“You can help me?” He inquires softly as if he’s scared that she actually may be able to help him. “I think I can. I have a whole family here. One that I think you’ll fit in well.”

“Really?” The hopeful tone cracks her heart. She will take in this little cub if it’s the last thing she does.

Snoopy crawls a bit towards the wolf, “Lou is the best. She loves everyone!”

Scooby nods in agreement. Lou runs her fingers through both of their fur, feeling the love and connection she has to both animals.

“I love all animals. My home is your home. If you want,” she offers, slowly putting her fingers close to the cub. He sniffs her outstretched hand. She knows he is accepting her offer when he brushes his head against her hand, not fully molding to her touch like Ajax, but enough to display his gratitude.

“Can I pick you up?” He nods, and she scoops his up gently. It is a bit awkward since he isn’t used to a human, but he can sense the wild spirit within her. It settles something deep inside him.

She brings him inside where she is once again bombarded by her friends. He cowers in her arms, hiding his face in the crook of her elbow.

Making her way to her parents, she holds up the cub like he is Simba and asks, “Can I keep him?”

Her parents share a glance and shrug.

“What’s another animal?”


(Dedicated to AJ Kit! I think we can all relate to Lou and her love for animals! Any name suggestions for the wolf cub?)

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