I’m not sure which is worse: Bad memories or happy memories? I was just minding my business, Browsing through my old games. I redownloaded one I hadn’t played in a while, Just a stupid puzzle game. But the second I opened the first level, I’m hit with wave after wave of… Happy memories? The calm feeling. Being content. Being satisfied. Out in the cold air, Alone, But happy because I was just with my favorite person in the world. That feeling where you can’t help a little grin, Because life’s just so good, you know? And I’ll get on the bus and do all the things I love, Or maybe I’ll just watch the trees out the window.
The whole word used to be at my feet. I used to be reckless and wild and free. I can’t believe any of those words could ever describe me, But it was true. Once upon a time, I was genuinely happy. Calm. Free. Loved. I was okay, Was something more than “alive”.
Tell me which is worse: Bad memories or happy memories?
When my dad went to parent back to school night, The students were told to make a map for which teachers their parents should visit. And in the principal’s speech, he said he could tell which parents had
Daughters __ And which had
Based on the colors, the labels, the symbols. And when my dad came home, He said he had looked at mine And it was a mix of both.
I didn’t think twice about it when it happened. But now that story’s got my head spinning with a million different colors. And I’m looking at all those flags, Trying to figure out which one feels right.
I don’t want to do this anymore.
I used to think it was so complicated, But it’s actually quite simple.
I don’t want to do this anymore.
Once upon a time, I really did want to keep going. Once upon a time, I thought it was worth it. Once upon a time, I believed that if you fought hard enough, If you gave it your all, Things would turn out okay. Once upon a time, I believed in the magic of tomorrow.
But I’m older now. Older and smarter and a whole lot more realistic. I know what I didn’t then: “Tomorrow” is only what you make it. Back then, I knew those rays of sun could bring out the best in me. Back then, I had the willpower to move forward, to keep fighting. So I trusted that magic of life, Of love, Of hope, to protect me.
But that fairy dust has worn off now. It only draws off the strength you already have inside. And now that I have none? Now that I’m doing everything I can to bleed out that strength? “Tomorrow” is not magic. “Tomorrow” is just fear.
It’s another day to let my anxiety to win. It’s another day to have a panic attack. It’s another day to add more scars. It’s another day to scream at the mirror. It’s another day to learn I’ll never be enough for myself.
So I don’t want to do this anymore.
Again, I’m standing on an edge I can’t see the bottom of, And I can’t remember why I ever wanted to stay. Shouldn’t I just fall? Fall, Fall, Fall, Until I find the numbness it would take To finally get the hell out of here?
To finally escape tomorrow.
You know what? I like him. I definitely like him. I like everything I’ve noticed about him - Which is a lot, considering I’m very observant. And yes, My crush is concerning, Given the fact we’ve never even had a conversation before. But I’ll still sit here, thinking about him.
Not thinking about anything else.
Not thinking about how my “best friend” is homophobic. Not thinking about how I’ll never tell her about him, because she doesn’t get to know some of me and not all of me. Not thinking about how in just two days, I’ve all but cut her out of my heart. Is that cruel?
Not thinking about how my mom told me I need to do more, put in more effort. Not thinking about how she had every right to say that, given my screen time and how I can barely drag myself out of bed every day. What’s wrong with me?
Definitely not thinking about all the lines I swore to myself I’d never cross - that have all been crossed a million times over. Why am I like this?
Nope. Not thinking about any of that. All that’s on my mind is how I crossed him in the hallway, like, five times yesterday. (Not thinking about how it’s really, really sad that’s the best thing to happen this week.) Yep, all I’m thinking about is how his team played my team in volleyball today, And I managed not to humiliate myself. Quite remarkable, honestly. (Not thinking about how not making an utter fool of myself for five seconds is what I’m most proud of.)
Haha, see? All that’s going through my head is boys. Not depressing thoughts. No suicidal tendencies here! Feelings of self hate? Nope, only feelings about that stupid boy!
I wish that were true.
My words tumble and churn in my mind, Echoing and bouncing, Bubbling up until they explode into voice. Yet with all the desperation my words have as they try to escape my lips, They never seem to make it. I stumble over the words, Erasing and scratching out and cutting off, Stuttering and deleting and backtracking. My words catch in my throat, Lingering until I choke, Until it is all I can do to keep breathing. And just like that, Along with the breath they stole, My words die.
So many things left unspoken, Simply because the world is not big enough for both me and my words.
Maybe if I wasn’t such a bitch all the time they wouldn’t yell at each other.
Maybe if I wasn’t so lazy all the time they wouldn’t be overwhelmed with the help they need.
Maybe if I wasn’t such a failure all the time they would be less stressed.
Maybe if I wasn’t so selfish all the time they would smile more.
Maybe if I was gone they would be happy.
Never the top priority. Never the most important. Never even listened to.
Just act natural.
But that’s okay. No, I don’t mind. “Go ahead and talk all you want.” It’s not like there was one little thing I was hoping to tell you. And- “What do you need?” I totally wasn’t in the middle of telling why I was really proud of myself today. “Sorry, what were you saying?” My mistake, I talked over you when you interrupted my effing sentence.
Just act natural.
I swear I’m going to scream. One of these days, I’m going to cover my ears and scream at the top of my lungs. Or break down in the violent tears I’ve suppressed for so long. Or at least go quietly destroy something, feel something break in my hands.
Just act natural.
I don’t mean to express anything real. I don’t want to show any of the emotions that haunt my mind. I don’t want you to know how broken, how desperate I really am.
Maybe that’s why it hurts so badly that I couldn’t even tell you a random little detail about today. Maybe that’s why I’m so upset that I never got a chance to share that one insignificant thing.
Just act natural!
And, suddenly, it’s all flowing to the surface. The box I keep tightly locked in my chest is fighting to explode. But I can’t fall apart now.
Just act natural!
So I quietly go to my chair. Silently put on my headphones. Pretend my hands aren’t shaking as I blast music. Don’t glance up. Don’t give them a chance to see my face before I get my mask back up.
Just act natural. You’re in control.
I’m fine. I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine. Of course I’m fine. Obviously. I always am, duh.
I start to type, start to write- But I’m shaking, and my eyes are welling up. I can’t, I can’t hide. I’m going to fall apart right here and now- And suddenly it all…
“Just. Act. Natural!”
Why am I so wary of the world? I don’t trust anything, anyone. I feel so distant, so detached. And so, so tired. Tired of expecting to be hurt. Tired of carrying on when I do get hurt. Tired of being tired.
Tired of not caring enough to save myself.
I don’t want to see tomorrow, Because I already know it’ll be exhausting and painful.
Since when was I this wary? Since when did I expect hurt around every corner?
What happened to the innocent girl who saw “tomorrow” as a synonym for “hope”? What happened to the girl who saw the brightest future?
And more importantly: Where did the girl who wants to give up so badly come from?