Inspired by Maranda Quinn

Write a poem centred around the theme of destruction.


I had always been torn


Pushed around,

Since the day I was born.

My faith in things like laughter

And love

Flew away like doves


Society broke my heart

And destroyed my fragile


I lost my faith in humanity,

For no matter how hurt I was,

It showed me no remorse,

No guilt, not even a tiny bit of pity.

It annoyed

Me that they

Had destroyed

Me in such a

Harsh manner,

So now I wave

My white banner,

My flag of surrender.

I got down on my knees and begged

For them to stop

The destruction and damage,

But instead the egged

Me on, on top

Of all the pain

They had already inflicted

Upon me.

They broke me in more ways than one,

The pain they caused could be bested by none.

Broken bones and

A broken soul, they left me

Defenseless and weak.

The destruction,

It led to the eruption

Of a boiling hot volcano.

That volcano had a

Name that it

Called its own.

The thing is,

That name was also mine,

For I was the volcano,

And it was my eruption time.

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