Submitted by Margaret Sok

Write a poem or story around the theme of 'Lonely Together.'

Over Again 12

Chapter 12


I’ve been thinking a lot about Jace recently. He comes into my mind just as randomly as he came into my life. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m getting ready for a funeral that brings him back. He was the first person besides Tommy and Allie I saw after my parent’s funeral. The first person to talk to me since it, but that was months ago, basically ancient history. It’s weird to me still that I haven’t seen him around. School’s out and all but we live in the same area I’ve never seen him walking the streets. Maybe that’s something I should be glad about, yet here I am acting as if he’d hug me instead of hit me.

I straighten my tie in the bathroom mirror sighing as I look into my own brown eyes. It’s been a while since I’ve seen myself this closely. I look so much like Dad, my lightish brown hair and practically black eyes, I didn’t realize how much I looked like him until the day of his and Mom’s funeral. I got up that morning, my eyes still red from crying myself to sleep and as I looked at myself I swore it was Dad staring back at me. Brown eyes, messed hair the whole package screamed Dad. So that’s what I did, I screamed covering my twelve year old face with my little hands as I backed into the wall.

I glance over my shoulder at the memory. My shadow dances on the wall in the exact same place it had four years ago. I still can’t believe it’s been four years, I can’t tell if it feels short or long, all I know is it just feels wrong.

There’s a gentle knock on the half opened door as Allie pushes it open, peaking her head in.

“You look great,” she smiles sweetly as she steps in and stands behind me. “So handsome.”

I look down at the counter to hide the redness I feel tickling my cheeks. _She’s with Tommy_, I tell myself looking back up. _Plus, you don’t even like her anymore. Remember?_


I meet her eyes in the mirror. “Don’t let Tommy hear you say that to me.”

She laughs. “Oh, he’ll have to get over it. He’s not the only handsome guy this world has.”

“I don’t know about that.”

Allie puts her hands on my cheeks from behind me. “Don’t sell yourself short,” she scolds leaning her chin on my shoulder. “You’re absolutely perfect.”

My heart races in my chest but as I look at Allie’s blonde hair in the mirror and green eyes they suddenly shift. Her eyes melt into a deep blue and her glasses that frame them fade away. _Maisie._

“I don’t know about that.” I repeat not sure what else to say. I’m staring into Allie’s—Maisie’s— eyes and they’re sucking all the words out of me.

Allie lets her hands fall around my neck as she pulls me into an awkward and uncomfortable hug that makes me smile. I take a quick glance in the mirror at her left hand, there’s no ring. I know Tommy probably would have told me but . . . There’s nothing wrong with checking. Even though it’s a dead end.

“Don’t be mean to my Davian,” she says squeezing me.

“Haven’t you learned it’s too late for that?”

Allie shakes her head before I’ve even finished my sentence. “It’s never too late. And I’ll never stop reminding you that you’re absolutely wonderful. Inside,” Allie turns me around to face her putting her hands on my shoulders. “And out.”

I blush again but this time I don’t hide it. “Whatever you say.”

Allie smiles then swirling me around and leading me out of the bathroom. “Good answer.”

We walk down the hall in a single file line until we reach the living room and have enough space to actually stand next to each other. Tommy’s hovering over the stove when we come out, Allie heads over to him and I sit on the arm rest of our old, grey couch.

Tommy smiles as Allie wraps her arms under his.

“You got D to stop admiring himself already?”

Allie giggles as she gives Tommy a quick kiss on his cheek. “Not everyone is as hard to pull away as you are.”

Tommy nudges her in the side with is elbow. “I wouldn’t look this great if I didn’t. Be grateful.”

Another kiss is placed on Tommy’s cheek as Allie slides away from him and leans against the counter. “I am.”

Tommy nods approvingly. “Good.”

Allie parts her lips but before words can escape them I say “I’m going to head out.”

Tommy turns around a spoon in his hand as he meets my eyes. “Want me to drive you?”

I shake my head. “It’s a nice day. I think I’ll walk.”

“I can come with?” Tommy says more like a question then an idea.

“If you want.”

Allie leaves the counter and comes to me, her hands already at my forehead brushing a loose strand of hair back into it’s place. “I think he’s alright.” She tells Tommy as she looks into my eyes.

“Does he think that?” Tommy asks walking over to join our little group.

I nod looking from Allie’s green eyes to Mom’s hazel eyes. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”

Tommy’s eyes grow worried look as he scans my face. “Will you? I mean you still haven’t told her have you?”

I let my eyes close as I shake my head. “No.” I mumble.

I feel Allie’s hand back on my cheek. “And that’s okay. It doesn’t matter what path you take as long as you end up where you want.”

I sigh. “Lying isn’t a path that will take me even remotely close to where I wanna be.”

“You’ll find it, we all get lost it’s how we learn.”

I guess. Maybe today I’ll tell Maisie. I mean it’s already such a sucky day for her might as well add the cherry on top. No! A voice screams at me. You do that and . . . I don’t know! Nothing will be good anymore. She’s your path, Maisie is. Don’t get lost from her.

“I better go,” I say mostly to the voice that Tommy and Allie can’t hear. But partly to them too. “I’ll be back by . . .” I pause waiting for the blank to be filled.

“Eight?” Tommy looks at his watch. “That’s a good twoish hours.”

“Eight it is,” I leave then not turning around to wave goodbye or get a smile of encouragement.

To be continued. . .

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