Mr. Bear

Mr. Bear

Autumn is a busy time for Mr bear,

Bravely searching

Combing every nook and cranny,

Dallying is not permitted!

Eagerly anticipating his next meal!

Foraging around every corner,

Giving no grace!

Hibernation is a must you see,

Ignoring all rhyme or reason,

Journeying this way and that!

Killing is a must,

Little ones take cover,

Mother urgently warns!

Never stopping for a friendly hello,

Over the sound of Mr. Bears' roar!

Playing must be forgotten,

Quiet was a thing of the past!

Run was the order given far and near,

Sleep would not be had this night!

Thump thump thump went Mr. Bears' feet,

Urgent cries for help could be heard far and near!

Victory was sweet as he ate from the hive,

wondering further into the deep woods!

Xanadu was in quite a state.

Yawning rather loudly was Mr.Bear,

Zipping and zagging stopped as Mr. Bear slept!

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