Write a poem, with a set structure, which centres around the theme of confession.
My Confession
There’s something I must confess,
As my mind is a constant mess.
All I’ve done is sin,
My crimes all held in place by a pin.
I’ve hurt him so much,
And it hurts me as such.
For I can’t give the love he deserved,
The suffering I’ve served.
All I can do now is distance,
With some assistance,
He deserves better,
As I’ve said in every letter.
I do love him dearly,
But losing him nearly,
Has made me realise all the despair,
I’ve broken us beyond repair.
My past haunts me,
Making it hard to see,
How good he is as man,
Helping me discover who I am.
His love so pure and sweet,
Everything about him so neat,
But I can’t trust,
Even when I must.
Past relations and their damage,
Have made me downright savage.
For all I know is pain,
There’s nothing he can gain.