Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
The Inescapable End
This is truly the end.
The world crumbles to ash,
everyone destined to descend.
No one left, gone in a flash.
But it is fine.
It is alright.
I’m with you, my sunshine.
Together, we will stand through the night.
We dress our finest.
But it matters not,
since it is just us and not a riot.
“We’re going out in style” was our only thought.
Fire engulfs New York.
D.C is burnt to a crisp, nothing but corpse.
The end approaches, edging closer,
and closer, and closer.
But it is fine.
It is alright.
I’m with you, my sunshine.
Together, we will stand through the night.
I stand beside you.
Your delicate hand in mine, as if on cue.
The end approaches, edging closer,
and closer, and closer.
No being is meant to live forever.
I never expected, nor planned
for our time together
to be so short spanned.
But your dark curls
are illuminated in the lethal flames:
Your sea green eyes glisten like ocean pearls.
You are ready, even if your time is miles away.
I am not ready.
I am not ready to leave you, my dear.
I am not ready for the end, though you are already.
I never will be, unlike you, my brave pioneer.
But I will be fine.
As long as I am with you, my love,
as we watch the world burn, our world, our one true baseline.
It’s all fine, my lovely, pearly white dove.
I shall stand with you till the end.
That was always the goal.
To stay with you, my dearest friend?
Forever? With you, the key to my lonely soul?
But nothing lasts forever.
No being is meant to live forever
It is not how the world works,
and it shall never be that way, one of humanity’s quirks.
But it is fine.
It’s is alright.
I’m with you, my sunshine.
Together, we will stand through the night.
Now it is here.
The inescapable rendezvous.
It has been lovely knowing you.
Goodbye my dear.
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