Different Perspectives

Me and your mom wait in the waiting room at the hospital. Waiting for the doctors to tell us about you. Me and your mom are hoping you will be ok.

The doctor finally comes out your mom is a mess. She has been crying. The doctor says I’m sorry to tell you this, but I don’t think she’s going to live. At this point your mom is hysterical. I hold her tight trying to soothe her. And trying to keep my emotions in check. I can’t fall apart as well.

So for three days they didn’t do anything for you. Because they figured you were going to die anyway. So why try anything? But by the third day your mom begged the doctors to do something. You were still alive.

So finally they did surgery. But because we waited so long the damage has been done. That meant you lost a lot of things. That might’ve been able to be avoided. If only the doctors would’ve done something sooner.

One of those things was your vision. You were blind. But we were not sure how much. You had to learn how to speak. How to walk again. How to be able to feed your self. The doctors did say, that if you lived you would not be able to do anything for yourself. For the rest of your life.

It was quite a struggle and a challenge for all of us. It was a challenge for you. It’s a challenge for your mom. She had to carry you everywhere. It was a challenge for me. Watching you struggle and suffer. Watching your mom suffer with you. But I felt like I had to hold the fort down.

But now look at you! You are an amazing miracle child. You are living life to the fullest. Nothing stops you. You can do things for yourself. You have done more than the doctor said he would be able to.

You are always smiling. Finding the good in everything. Encouraging others with words or without. Your actions themselves encourage others. More than you think.

I don’t really know if this is exactly what went through my parents minds. But I’m sure it’s close. I honestly don’t remember hardly any of it. I was so young when this all happened.

It is true I am able to do just about everything that a sighted person does. With a few accommodations. But nothing is impossible.

I didn’t lose all my vision. I still have a little bit. But I have learned not to rely on it. It’s not very reliable! So I use my other senses instead. And use technology. Once in a while ask for help.

I still go through challenges now. But I have learned how to cope with them. I have been able to adapt to things. I guess when you’ve had as many years as I have been blind you learn how to do things.

So this is just part of my life story. In a not shell. I never thought I would be telling this story. Just from a writing prompt.

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