Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"She's not who she says she is."
Write a story that involves this line of speech.
She’s The Sun
My girlfriend was called into work about an hour ago and twenty minutes ago a friend text me saying she had some news about my girlfriend and that it’s bad. Now I’m pacing back forth my living room. Fingers running through my hair as my anxiety grows.
*knock knock*
“ABOUT TIME NEXT TIME YOU TEXT ME THAT TYPE OF MESSAGE BE OUTSIDE MY HOUSE” I throw my hands in the air as I talk and walk to go open the door “twenty damn minutes what’s going on? Is she okay?” I ask as I lead her to the couch.
“I’m sure she’s fine. She’s been lying to you!” She says matter of fact and sits down. My stomach twists and I feel like I’m going to be sick “how do you know? We tell each other everything. We have been open since day one.” I stand up getting agitated and upset “you don’t get to come in here throwing accusations.”
“She’s married and still goes to see her still to family events there are photos. She’s not who she says she is Raven! You’re getting played again and you’re not even seeing it. I’m trying to protect you!” She fights back. I get even more mad and cross my arms
“She’s getting divorced and yeah I know did you look properly in any of those photos? I actually went to the last event. They were married for a long time and they became her family too. We didn’t stay long. She didn’t really want to go but she wanted to at the same time. I said she could go and then she asked me to go with her so she wasn’t alone. You’re right, she’s not who she says she is because she’s better she doesn’t see who she is. She sees the bad but she’s not. She’s everything plus more she’s the sun! She is the light that helps this world survive. Not like you and I. She is what this world needs. Her heart and soul are so big and pure it’s beyond my understanding how someone who has gone through and seen so much horrible things in her life and in this world and still be the sun. I shouldn’t have to be doing this if you took the time to even get to know her. I think you should leave.” I point to the door
She gets up and doesn’t say anything as she walks to the door. I open it and let her out and before I shut it I say “she is the sun!” And close it.